Chapter 11

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Asalamu alaikum. I'm so sorry for taking so long to update. Here's a chapter for y'all. Hope you like it.


"Are you going to stand there, out in this storm the whole night?, Come in"

Imran beckoned her in. She stood in the pouring rain, eyeing the opened door with slight apprehension, as she tried not to shiver too much .

"Ya Allah, what should I do?" She is thought to herself. She couldn't do this, she'd be alone with him and she'd always strived not to put herself in situations like this.

"Then again, I can't stay in the rain either, I would surely get terribly sick and then he'd feel bad afterwards. What to do, what to do?" She kept thinking to herself, biting her lip in concentration.

A loud crack of thunder boomed, and that made her decision for her. She panicked for a moment and squealed, rushing past Imran into the room. The sudden warmth was a veiling contrast to her cold soaking wet  predicament.

Imran disappeared into a room behind a wall, while Liya's eye's wandered​ through the room. It was..... empty, that was the only word she could think of. The walls were, clinically​ white and old smelling. He hasn't repainted?. There was no carpeting and the sofa looked worn out with pieces of thread protruding out of the fabric. Hmmm, strange. The were no pictures......

It couldn't be because he was poor. His car and clothing said a different thing.

Her attention was drawn away from scrutinizing the room, when he emerged holding a clean white towel to her.

"Here, " he said handing her the towel. "Dry yourself."

She noticed that he had changed from his drenched suit to a simple white top over grey slacks. His muscular nature was on full display and Liya painfully teared her eyes away from it, constantly reminding herself not to look and this was what the shaitan wanted.

She took the towel, her fingers brushing the hard nubs of his fingers. Her hands were blessed with the soft cotton fabric. She had this weird inclination of smelling it and she did when he turned his back to her.

Roses! They smelled of roses. She sniffed it again before quickly drying herself, not wanting to be caught in the act.

"I gotta make a quick phone call, alright. I'll be right back" he offered her a small smile before disappearing again.

She silently wandered around, taking everything​ in. A finger brush on the wall caused the paint​ to remove. She wiped it off on her dress.

Walking into what she assumed was the kitchen, she was remotely surprised​ to see it was empty and looked old, just like the rest of the apartment she'd seen so far. There were empty wrappers of takeouts scattered on the cabinets. Well that's odd. Didn't he live here?

Not wanting to be caught, snooping around, which was a legitimate invasion of privacy, she proceeded​ back to where she was initially standing but paused, deciding to seek him out rather. He'd been gone for too long .

She ventured down the miniature hall she saw him vanished into and stopped short hearing him still on the phone.

"Yeah. It's already in way." He paused to listen to the other person.

"Ok, a month. Got it".

He stopped talking and before liya should try and process what she heard the door opened. At first, he looked shocked to see her and then draws a blank look over his face.

"What did you hear?"



"Are you sure?"

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