Chapter 7

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🎶."Baraka Allahu Lakuma wa Baraka alikuma
Wa jamaah baina kuma fee khair.
Barakallah hu lakuma wa baraka alikuma
Wa jamaah baina kuma fii khair."🎶

The voices sung, and the clapping increased in their pace as she spun round more fast , matching the song. She threw her head back and let out laugh , as her light brown hair whipped around her wildly. Her bright green salwar kameez swirled around her legs. Liya watched as Yasmin, changed rythm according to the beat and danced her heart out and she couldn't help but cheer her on along with the other ladies.

They were at their aunty's walima. After the couple were congratulated, all close women relatives stayed behind for this little show that was going on. They passed Liya's cooking around, each person moaning out how good the food was and some already wanting to set her up with their son's.

Aunt Zainab was their mother's younger sister and her walima was going to be talked about for days because of this gathering. She couldn't help but smile at Yasmin's silly antics as she made silly faces through the dance.

"Ya Habibi... Would you get us more food..... We're a little bit short here," a voice called for her. She turned to the elderly woman who looked to be in her early fifty's. She had an almost empty plate in her hand  and a half bitten meat in the other.

"Ok. I'll be right back"

"Excuse me, excuse me , coming through," she said making her way through the bodies sitting on the floor to the kitchen. She returned minutes later and noticed Yasmin still dancing. Didn't that girl ever get tired?.

She shook her head and walked over to give the tray full of food to the woman.

"Thanks ya Habibi" she said pinching her cheeks.

She blushed. She noticed Yasmin was now spinning slower, her eyes searching the crowd. Her eyes landed on her and she beckoned her forward.

Liya pointed to herself in saying"me?"

Yasmin nodded frantically, a big smile on her face.Liya shook her head, no.

Yasmin made a puppy face, before a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. She spun towards the micro phone, picking it up, she cleared her throat, catching the attention of a couple women.

"Salam everyone"

"Walaikum Salam" they all chorused.

"How's everyone enjoying. I can tell from the smell that the food is MashAllah" she said making a kissing sound and they all nodded in agreement.

"Now, to give you the best part, the maker of those mouth watering dishes will give you a splendid performance" . Give it to Yasmin to be such a drama queen.

"Come on Liya, don't be shy....." Yasmin winked at her and she narrowed her eyes into slits.

"Oh come on.... Liya!, Liya!! Liya!!!" She chanted and very soon the others joined.

She was about to protest when a loud bang sounded behind her made her jump, squealing. Bouts of laughter rung through the hall as the bang sounded again. Turning to the noise, her jaw dropped.

Hasan had a big drum around his neck , he grinned sheepishly at her before banging hard on the drum again, this time followed by other three successive ones behind him. Kareem, and Nasir both gave her matching grins as they started drumming, picking up pace and the singing begun in full swing again. Kareem and Nasir were both her nephews from her father's brother who also reverted to Islam a few years after her dad did.

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