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Look at baee up there 💖

Someone jumped on you?
After the phone call, I hurried downstairs to where Xiumin and Chanyeol were. I guess the sound of me rushing down the stairs startled them a bit. "Y/n, what's wrong?" I hear them asking from the living room as I come storming in with them both looking at me with worried. "We need to go." Chanyeol stands up from the sofa, rushing towards me. "Wait, what do you mean? What happened?" He asks me. I hurriedly shake my head no as I tried pulling Chanyeol out the door while giving him an explanation.

"We need to go to the police station, something happened with Jessi." Chanyeol looks as if he's seen a ghost or something. "What do you mean something happened with Jessi?" Okay, I love Chanyeol to pieces but the man asks way too many questions. "Look I know you must have a lot of questions to ask of me but you can ask them on the way there and some I may not have answers too. But we need to get there now." I say as I start to pull him toward the door, Xiumin doesn't bother following and I don't really ask him to either, I'll explain fully later. That's if he asks me.

We both get into Chanyeol's car and he immediately pulls off. "Alright we're in the car now, so do you mind telling me why we're going down here? Did something happen to her? Did she get hurt? He starts bombarding me with questions. "I'm sure if she was hurt we wouldn't be on the way to a police station," I told him shaking my head slightly. "and I don't know what happened they just told me to come down."

He continues to drive and the car ride is silent, neither one of us saying a word. I thought about what could be the reason for us coming down here, I hope it's nothing serious but most of all, I hope Jessi didn't get her ass into any trouble.

We get to the station and Chanyeol offers to come in with me, but I told him no and that I'll be done in a while hopefully. He protests at first saying that he didn't want to leave me alone. I told him I should be fine and he should probably go back and I'll call once I'm done. He reluctantly agrees, telling me to be careful and call once I'm done. I waited until I knew for sure he left because if I didn't he'll try and follow me for sure.

Walking into the station I'm starting to get nervous. I see uniformed police walking around, some sitting at some desk or standing around. Then people who are either handcuffed, getting questioned, or just sitting around waiting for whatever reason.

( a/n: 😂 I have no clue what they do in the police station, I just based it off what I saw on tv.)

I go up to the desk which I assumed was where I go to get information. "Excuse me I'm here to see Officer Morgan." The lady looks up at me giving me a small smile. "What's your name?" She asks me, I tell her my name and she goes to look at some papers on her desk. "Alright honey, just have a sit and I'll let her know that you're here." She informs me, I nod then go to sit in one of the chairs not too far just in case my name is called I could hear it.

I sat there patiently waiting for Officer Morgan to come, soon I could see a lady walking in with an all-black pants suit with a white button-down shirt on. She goes up to the lady I talked to not too long ago, I see then exchanging words then they turn to me and she comes my way. "Good evening Y/n, is that how I pronounce it?" She asks me, then she extends her hand out for me to shake. "Yes." She smiles. "Officer Morgan." She says then tells me to follow her.

As I followed her, I start to wonder what's really going on now. Am I going to get questioned? What did Jessi do exactly and was I going to where ever they held her at? We get to a door and she then turns it, letting me go in first. When I walk in my eyes fall on Jessi and we make eye contact almost immediately. That's when I noticed the bruises, one on her eye, another on her left cheek, and then her busted lip. I rush over to her pulling her into a hug, then examining her face.

"What the hell happened to your face?!" She winced from the volume of my voice. "Not too loud Y/n my head is killing me right now." I just looked at her. "What happened Jessi?" I asked bringing my voice down. She turns away from me and looks to Officer Morgan. "Well Miss Y/n, Miss Ho had a bit of an altercation with one of her coworkers, police were called and she was placed under police custody." I look at her shocked, an altercation with who?! "What the hell Jess?" I look at her and she still has her hand down as if she's ashamed or something. "Look Y/n it's not what you think, okay?" I looked at her then back at Officer Morgan, wondering what exactly am I supposed to think?

"She's right, what happened to Jessica was all self-defense she's actually the victim." Wait... What? "Someone jumped on you?" I raised my voice a little bit but not too much since Jessi will most likely complain about it. "Yeah, I was down at the club. When I went in I had the intentions of quitting but I ran into that bit- I mean Minnie and I guess you could say it went downhill from there." I looked at urging her to continue but I guess that was it, or at least that's what I thought.

"Witnesses say that the other women threw the first punch and then that's when she and Jessica got physical." I nod. "Yeah them stupid bitches jumped me cause I was whomping her ass, excuse my French." Officer Morgan just waves it off. "So anyway they brought me down here to press charges but I'm not." I looked at her as if she was crazy. "And why the hell not?!" I asked her. "Because I don't want too, it's not like it'll matter. Plus Bam- never mind, I'm okay so can we just go." She asks me. I could tell that there was something else she wanted to say but she wasn't, at least not in front of Officer Morgan. I didn't push it, but best believe we'll talk about it later.

Nothing else was said so we were free to go, Officer Morgan gave us her card with a number on it just in case Jessi changed her mind but Jessi made it clear that she wasn't. I had sent Chanyeol a text telling him to come back and to my surprise, he was already outside. I should've known he wasn't going to listen, me and Jessi make our way over to Chanyeol's Range and we both climb in the backseat.

"Hey, why are you back there?" Chanyeol asks from the front seat, while he's looking at me through the rearview window. I shake my head letting him know not to ask, but does he listens no. He turns to look back, with his eyes fixated on Jessi then he looks at her face more. Then with wide eyes, he asks.

"Damn Jess, what the hell happened to your face?" Chanyeol asks. Shaking my head, this guy here.

"Mind ya damn business Yeolie." She deadpan's. Well, this is going to be a long ride.


Aye, so it's nothing serious with Jessi 😅 besides the fact that she had to beat some ass. The next chapter I may write exactly what happened with the fight but then again probably not 🤷🏾‍♀️

So yeah at the end of the chapters I may start doing like a QOTD type thing. Should I, and if I do would y'all even answer back? 🤨  Let me know if y'all up for that...

And look at our Min Min 💖

And look at our Min Min 💖

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I miss him so much... come home safely, please 😣💖

Thank you my loves & Until next time ✌️🏾


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