chapter 1

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Mommy was taking me into town for being really good about my anger to everyone. We have been going out little by little each day and I have been trying to talk to other people but everyone is really not that interesting but I still try to be nice. Mommy said I'm doing so well I can go to the ninja academy if i want to this year. I told her i would love that and be able to make friends. Everyone in my clan dont talk to me or run away when i try to play with them. I dont have any friends, but that's ok cuz mommy says as long as I'm nice and sweet to everyone they will start to think I'm as good as dangos, I really like dangos.
"Look at all the pretty lights y/n" my mommy said as we get farther away from the l/n compound and closer to the center of town. My eyes sparkle as I look at the lights, I love coming to town and seeing the lights and shops even if the people tend to look at me funny.
"So we are going to get some ramen, then go shopping for your big day at the academy tomorrow, then we are going to get some dangos before we go home, and remember my love, always smile and be nice to everyone even if they are mean to you" mommy said to me and I shook my head up and down.
"Mommy do you think I could make a friend tomorrow, my very first friend" I look up to her my eyes gleaming.
"I think you'll make a bunch" I start squealing and jumping around a little excited cuz if mommy says it it must be true.
"That cant be miss m/n (mothers name) of the l/n clan is it" I saw a man shouting at mommy. He had black hair tied back with black hair on his chin and some scars on his face. There was a boy walking next to him around my age, he looked very simaler to the man.
"Shikaku? oh my SHIKAKU NARA IS THAT YOU?" Mommy yelled at the man waving like crazy. I never seen mommy smile so big before, or seem so happy, he must be very important.
"M/n my dear its been so long"
"Yes it has shikaku, you haven't changed a bit, who is this little one by your side"
"I was just about to ask the same to you Haha this is my son shikamaru" the boy who's name is shikamaru looked at my mommy unamused and went to look at me but I was behind mommy's legs.
"Shikamaru say hi to them" his dad scolded. Shikamaru huffed.
"Alright, what a drag, hi I guess" he put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sky.
"This is my daughter y/n, say hi hunny it's ok" I came out from behind her legs and slightly waved.
"Hi..." I looked to my mommy "mommy can we get a new shogi board the kitties got to the other one and broke it" shikamaru looked down it me once I said shogi.
"You play shogi" he asked me with a razed eyebrow "are you any good"
"Yes I play it all the time... er... when I can find someone to play with that is" I scratched the back of my neck "we should play a round some time"
"Na, i bet your not really good and people let you win cuz your a cute little girl" i blushed from his comment.
"No ones called me cute but my mommy so thankyou for that, but to me it just sounds like your Scarred I'll beat ya" he laughed making me blush again, why.
"I'm very confident you cant"
"Well I guess you wont know till you play me now will you shika" his dad chuckled.
"Well now y/n am I safe In assuming that you start the academy tomorrow along with shikamaru here" I look back to shikamaru.
"We start on the same day, that's so cool" I smile feeling even more excited.
"Alright well how about you and your mommy come over after school and you and shikamaru can play a game"
"Ohhh can I mommy can i?" She huffed scratching her head.
"Oh I cant say no when you make a face like that" shika huffed.
"What a drag" i turned around pointing at him.
"Listen here shika, if i win our match you have to be my very first friend ok.... and um... if you win... ill.... do what ever you say for a month, judging from your body language I'll say you are lazy so that should be  good, you can change it to something else if you want" he smiled.
"No I'm good with that" he stuck his hand out so we could shake on it. We shook and nodded our heads then I looked to mommy.
"Mommy I'm hungry can we get ramen now"
"Oh yes sorry boys but we have a lot to do today it was nice seeing you by"
"Bye bye shika" I yelled waving at him he just looked at me and smiled before we went our separate ways.

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