chapter 16

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**back to y/n pov**

Why is everything so dark? I'm really cold. What's that light down there? I started to walk to the light. It looks odd, but I feel like something is pulling me to it. Then all of a sudden sparkles of red flew infront of me, they started to flash as a Male voice started to speak.
"It is not time yet dear cub, go back the way you came. I know it's dark and scary. However in the world of the living you are so close to what you want, keep working hard and you shall have it one day" then the sparkles faded away till they were gone. I dont know what that was, or who it was, but it must be an important person to my clan. Only they call us cubs. I turned around and walked back as I was told. Going back was so much harder. My legs were heavy, my head was pounding, and it was getting colder and colder the farther I got. I turned around to look back at the light, i really wanted to go that way. However something else deep down was telling me to continue back, like I was almost there. Like I was returning to something important. I dont know what that could be but I have to keep moving. Just then, i was falling. I dont know where I was falling too, or when I started falling. I couldnt see that light anymore eather. All I knew at that moment was everything hurt. It was like my body was burning. I couldnt help but scream and scream, it was so painful. I tried to get whatever it was off me by scratching everywhere I could reach. However my scratching was halted by an unknown weight on top of me. Everything was still burned and I was scared. As i screamed i tried to get whatever it was off of me but i couldnt. I tried and tried but i just couldnt do anything. Then i heard a voice, it was like a whisper in my ear.
"Its ok y/n, it's ok y/n, I'm here, I'll always be here, it's ok, I-" the voice was cut off by a bright light that hurt my eyes and a loud ringing that felt like someone was shoving kuni into my ears it hurt so bad. Finaly it felt like I stopped falling and I was on the ground, but it wasnt like I fell to the ground, I just stopped falling.

It was to bright for me to see. There was a weight on top of me that I flung off. There was a ringing in my ears that started to die down, when did that happen. I still couldnt see much besides light shadows. I stopped screaming and tried to run away, however someone grabbed me from behind and held me. As I struggled a little, my hearing came back before my vision.
"It ok y/n, shikas here, it's ok, calm down" I know that voice. Then I felt fingertips rub my scalp. I started to relax as my vision came back. I could see nana and other members of our clan dressed formally. Lady tunada and some other doctors and nurses were there as well. Shikamarus dad was by the door, so this has to be. I turned my head to see shikamaru holding me from behind was tears were running down his face as he smiled at me.
"Hey there" he said as more tears started to run down his face.
"What happend? how did I get here? The last thing I remember was fighting that girl in the forest" he laughed slightly.
"You.... you got... knocked unconscious so I brought you back.... I was scared you were...." he didnt finish his sentence as he hugged me super tight as he cried into my hair. I hissed slightly from my body hurting, it was almost like trying to move though water whenever I would move my body.
"Y/n rest up a little bit. I'll be back to talk." Nana said as she left the room with the rest of our clan. Shikamaru helped me up and over to the bathroom and set me in the tub so i could wash some of the dryed blood off myself. He had some dryed blood on his clothing, probably mine since hes not showing any signs of being hurt.
"I'll wait for you in the room" he said as he walked out the bathroom. Why was everyone here if I was knocked unconscious? Something dont seem right. Should I ask? I probably shouldn't. (You dont remember the darkness you were in) it didnt take me long to get clean and dresses in new clothing. It was just a hospital gown, where are the pants. There are normally pants with these.
"Shika do you know wher-" I walked out the bathroom to see shikamaru without a shirt on and wearing the pants I was looking for. Hes growing well. I shook my head riding myself from weird thoughts and to also stop myself from staring at him.
"Do I know what?" He turned to the side looking at me with that questioning look on his face that makes him look older then he really is, or is it mature.
"I was going to ask about the pants that go with the hospital gown but I can see you have them on" he looked down at the pants in question then back up at me.
"Oh, ya, I wanted to get my bloody clothes off so we could sleep. I could tell that the gown would be long enough to cover you, and I was right. So I took the pants, I hope you dont mind if we sleep together dressed like this" I do mind, i really do. Seeing the light hit him like that is making me feel weird things that i haven't felt before and i dont know what will happen.
"That's fine" i said more quietly then i wanted to. Shikamaru kept trying to help me to the bed but I would swat him away, I wanted to do it myself. He got in first and layed on his back with a hand behind his head like normal looking at me to get in. I layed down next to him on my side, I was part way off the bed. I didnt want to touch him when I dont have anything on underneath this.
"I dont think there is enough room" just as i finished that he took his hand that was behind his leg and grabbed my knee pulling it on him as he pulled my torso closer to him with his other arm, so now I had my whole body touching him. With just this thin gown on.
"Now there is, sleep n/n, you need it"

I woke to being shaken slightly and whispering.
"Come now y/n, it's time to go" I knew that to be nana's voice. I opened my eyes and sat up. Shikamaru was still sleeping. The sun was just staring to set.
"Come now, let's not wake him" she pulled me up out of the bed and we started to walk to the door.
"We must stop by your house to get you some clothes and a few other things you'll need"
"Where are we going nana" I stopped before we got to the door, still being sure I whispered as to not wake shikamaru.
"Well.... I see you have done a little with the sacred diamond jujitsu. I want you to train with me to perfect it. No one else can do it other then you and myself. Your training should take no more then three years. Who knows, maybe less depending on how fast you pick it up" I nodded in understanding. This is something I need to do. To keep everyone safe.
"I will also help you learn how to control yourself a little better" now that is something I really need. I walk over to shikamaru and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Untill next time shika, I love you" I whispered in his ear. He didnt wake, good, I dont think I could go if he did.
As nana and I walked out the door I bumped into kiba.
"N/n, your ok" he hugged me a little too tight. I was stuck there confused, he never gave me a hug and he genuinely looks relieved to see me.
"I was so worried about you, where are you going"
"I'm going to train for three years, I'll be back after that. I thought you didnt like me, why would you be worried about me" I was really confused, nana was just watching quietly.
"Just come back safe to us, come back safe to me" he hugged me again but this one felt different, and it was weird.
"I care for you more then I do for anyone else" his whispered in my ear and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then turned and walked away. Nana had to pull me by my hand to my house to get my things in order due to me being completely dumb founded but kibas kiss.

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