chapter 20

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Kiba and I just got to the lake, he was guiding me over to a sakura tree that was a little ways off the river side. Akumaru decided it would be good to lay down next to the trees base. Kiba plopped down infront of the tree sitting at first then he layed down. I sat down infront of the tree and next to kiba, my back was up against the trunk of the tree as I plopped my legs over kibas lap using him as some sort of foot rest.
"Your lucky I'm really tired from my mission or else I would pull you by your legs and throw you in the river" he said with his eyes closed.
"I'm not scared of some water" I shot back at him as I pushed my legs down on him in a joking manner, he chuckled to that making my heart melt a little. It wasnt suposed to be like this.
"All joking aside, I'm really happy you are home y/n" he turned his head to look at me.
"I didnt think it was possible, but you look even more beautiful" I felt myself blush and look to the side. Why is this happening? He sat up and moved my one leg so now he was sitting between my outstretched legs infront of me. I tried to move them so we wouldnt been in an awkward position. However he grabbed my ankles and pulled me closer to him so now I was sitting directly infront of him with his hands on my thighs.
"You know... I really missed you" he said as he started to stroke my cheek.
"I-I missed b-being h-home" what the hell, stop it y/n. It was supposed to be like this with shika, why are you acting like this, and why is your heart racing.
"I know you just came home and all, and I wasnt the best to you before you left.." he looked down to the side before looking back to me.
"But I want us to be together... I want you to be my girlfriend n/n... I have always liked you.... I think I might love you... you always made my heart race... please say you'll be mine" I was shocked to hear this from him. I didnt know what to say. I couldnt find words, any words. He went to give me a kiss again and I found myself wanting to kiss him too.
"Y/N!!" someone yeld making both me and kiba jump back from eachother.
"Kiba I think you need to give her time to get settled back before you go trying anything with her, y/n your coming home with me now" I was grabbed by my uper arm and pulled to my feet as I was dragged away. I snapped out of it and saw it was shikamaru pulling me away. He was fuming with anger, you could basically see it radiate off him. He squeezed my arm tighter as he pulled me faster down the road to my apartment.
"Shikamaru your hurting me, I'm not going to run off OW" he wiped us around a corner but his grip seem to get harder. He didnt look back at me or say anything. I started to try and pri his hand off my arm cuz it was really hurting. He abruptly turned around making me run into him, he picked me up and threw me on his sholder.
"Shikamaru put me down" I was hitting his back with my fists lightly since I really didnt want to hurt him. Next thing I knew he was jumping off of roofs to get to the apartment faster. I would have been afraid that he would drop me if he didnt have such a death grip on me. Once he got inside the apartment he put me down on my feet, pushed me against the wall, and blocked my way out by putting his hands next to eather side of my face.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT" he screamed In my face and due to my heightened hearing it made my ears ring. I put my hands over my ears and squinted my eyes from it.
"ARE YOU TRYING TO FUCKING HURT ME" I screamed back at him as i opened my eyes again just to see his face red and fire in his eyes.
"What were you doing with kiba hmm, what was fucking temari all of last night not enough for you"
"That's no-"
"What did you just come back home so you can sleep with everyone in this village next, since you got all the other villages crossed off"
"What n-"
"Do you enjoy walking around dressed as a fucking slut making everyone beg for you to spread your legs for them, looked like you already got kiba hooked, all he fucking talks about is you"
"But I di-"
"And why kiba, why did you say bye to only him, why was he the only one, what you didnt have the curtisy to say bye to your friends, to your BEST FRIEND, DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRYED I WAS ABOUT YOU WHEN I WOKE UP TO SEE YOU GONE JUST TO FIND OUT FROM KIBA YOU LEFT THE VILLAGE AND YOU WOULDNT BE BACK FOR THREE YEARS, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG I CRYED FOR YOU"
"STOP YELLING AT ME" each time he cut me off I started to cry harder and the slut comment just made me brake down completely. He was scaring me, I put my hands arms over my face as I screamed that as loud as I could. I saw his eyes flicker to the arm he had ahold of before and his face and eyes melted from anger to disappointment.... in himself. There was a red mark of his hand on my arm. He started to raise his hand.
"Y/n I'm so sor-" I flinched away from him as he went to touch my arm. He put his hands back down and backed away from me.
"Do you 'hic' really think I 'cough' wanted to leave your arms when nana woke me up telling me I had to leave for special training with her? But I knew I had to so I could learn how to control my emotions better. I didnt wake you because I knew if I did I wouldnt want to leave. Kiba was right outside my door when i left that's why he knew, i didnt go looking for him. I wanted to come home everyday, I missed you more then I did anyone else. I love you shikamaru, I have told you that everyday since we were little, your all I have. I dont like sleeping with people but I do it so I dont loose myself and kill someone instead because apparently my sex drive is something I cant control no matter how i try, but i promised nana that when i came home i was only going to have one partner since the only reason i had multiple was because of us traveling all the time. I wouldnt sleep with everyone there was always a max of three girls and three guys that I would sleep with in each village, separately of course. That still dosnt make it any better but it was what helped me control myself it was never anything more then that and they all knew that. If I would have known you were here waiting for me I would have came home last night but I thought you would have moved back with your mom and dad since i wasnt being a burden to you here anymore, but if you still are sleeping here that makes me more then happy. Shika I haven't had a good night sleep since i left you here, I always have night terrors throughout the night. I missed you for so much more then that, shika you have no 'hic' idea how 'hic' much I missed you and 'hic' I'm sorry for leaving you" I was crying more then I have ever cryed in my life. Shikamaru walked back over to me and pulled me into a hug. One hand rubbing my back and the other lightly scratching my head, just like always. I nuzzled into the hug and started to relax in his arms. After I calmed down a little he spoke.
"I'm sorry for how I acted, I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm so sorry, I just missed you so much and see you like that with kiba, I just lost it and I'm sorry" next thing we knew the door flew open with naruto, sakura, and kikashi standing at it.
"Y/n we have a mission, garra has been kidnapped by the akatsuki" naruto yelled.
"We are to go to the sand and rescue him, we will head out once your done here" kikashi said and pulled everyone out closing the door behind him.
"Looks like we will have to continue this conversion when you get back"
"Ya, I should get temari, she would want to know about her brother" I went to walk out but shikamaru held me still.
"What no good luck charms, I've waited so long for one, please.... dont make me wait longer"
"Ok" I could feel my face heat up even more then it did with kiba. However since he had the green vest on I couldnt just pull the side down and bite him, I had to take it off. I pulled the zipper to the vest down slowly, not making eye contact with him. I'm sure I was blushing because of how hot my face was and my hands were shaking. I got it unzipped and I pushed it off his shoulders, it was still looped in his arms. I got his neck uncovered and you could barely see the scar of my teeth. He didnt move the whole time I took his vest off. I leaned up since he was a bit taller then me now, and i bit into his neck. The delicious candy flooded my mouth, I couldnt help but take two gulps. I pulled away before I became too enchanted in the taste and licked the wooned. Before I could walk away he cupped my cheek, leaned down and kissed my cheek... although he was real close to kissing my lips. You should have shika.

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