Chapter 1

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The performance for today was finished. So I went back to the house and started cooking supper. As I waited for the water to boil, I look out the window. It's been almost 10 minutes, where's mom and Jerome? Hmm, maybe they're helping clean up. I put the noodles in the pot, then started the sauce. Jerome enters finally.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He said. "The Graysons and Lloyds are fighting."

"Again? What about now?"

"No clue. They just started as I was coming back."

"Oh. Where's mom?"

"Um, I don't know. Probably with another clown."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" I say. "Where were you then?"

"Oh, you know, just helped clean everything up."

"I figured that. I cooked spaghetti for us."

"Okay, thanks." He said. He quickly grabbed a plate and got his food.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering. You sound.. Upset or even guilty."

"Nah. Just tired. Being in the circus does tire you out a lot."

"You're not wrong there." I said. We both chuckled.

"Thanks for supper."

"Anytime." I said. We cleaned up our dishes. All of a sudden, we hear a knock on the door. "Hm, wonder if that's mom."

"Probably." Jerome said. We both walk to the door, me being beside him. Jerome opens the door, revealing a young man, along with a girl.

"GCPD." A man said. "We need to speak with Lila."

"She's not here." Jerome said.

"Why? What's happened?" I asked as we both step out of the mobile home.

"Where is she?" The man asked.

"Uh I don't know. She was supposed to be home ages ago." Jerome said.

"Are you two her relatives?"

"Uh, I'm her son, Jerome"

"And I'm her daughter, Jersey."

"When did you last see her?" He asked.

"This morning" Jerome said.

"Same with me." I said.

"She was here when we left for the library." Jerome said.

"Relax, guys, this gentleman is just here because Owen and Al had a disagreement.Your mother's fine, gone on a spree, no doubt.You know how she is." The ringmaster said.

" A spree?Without her hat, her coat or her purse?" Jerome asked. I look over at her snake, Sheba. I could tell she's been acting different.

"And look at Sheba. She's distraught. She knows something's wrong." I said.

"The snake does seem to be agitated." The officer said. Why does he act like we did something wrong?

"Sir" The ringmaster chuckles, "She's what you call a party girl.Back in the morning with her knickers in a handbag, sure as eggs." I mean, he's not wrong about her being a 'party girl'. I look over at Jerome, he looks shy and also uncomfortable.

"But she didn't take her handbag, did she? How fast does an animal like that move?"

"Oh, fast walking pace." Jerome said.

"They rely on surprise, mainly." I said.

"Let her out." The officer said.

"I'm sorry?" We both said.

"Let her out." He repeated. We then released Sheba. She slithered all the way to what looked like, an old wagon. I started to get nervous. She went under a white sheet. Why was she going under there? Is mom under the sheet? The officer grabbed the sheet and pulled it off. Oh. My. Gosh. My mother was laying on the wagon. But... she was dead. She had blood all over her neck.

"Oh my god." The one girl said. I fell to my knees, crying so hard. She was gone, my mother was gone. Jerome cried as well, we both sat next to each other, exchanging hugs. The girl came over to us and comforted us.

"You knew. You knew she was here." The officer said.

"No." The ringmaster said, looking down.

"Look at me."

"She was like that when we found her." The officer came over to us.

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you." We both said. We then walked back to the house. I couldn't believe it. My mother was gone.



"Promise you won't leave me?"

"I promise." He said, then gave me a hug. Whoever killed my mom is going to pay. I will kill that bitch.

Hey everyone! Just to let you know, I will be using a lot of things from Gotham, like scenes from Gotham. The only reason is just to show the point of the story. Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! I will update a lot only because I have too many ideas from it already. But, the faster the updates, the less time it will take to end the story. 

For My Brother |Jerome Valeska| (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now