Escape From Hell pt. 1

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~10 hours before the escape~

Peter stroked Morgan's hair softly, letting her sleep in his lap. She was in desperate need for compassion, especially after what had happened to her in the lab. Wade was still out, but his wounds had closed up, and Peter could see the start of legs coming back already.

The lab was still dark. Actually, nothing had changed at all since Peter and Wade had fought with Venom. The lights were still down, the cell was too cold, and all three of Doc Ock's prisoners were completely exhausted and battered.

Peter rested his head on Morgan's, letting his eyes drift shut. Just as he was beginning to drift off, however, Wade gasped awake, and Peter's eyes shot open.


"Wade, hey, I'm right here," Peter reassured softly, trying not to wake the sleeping child. "I'm fine, but you gotta be quite. You'll wake up Morgan."

Wade pushed himself up to get a better look at his friend. "Is that...?"

The blond gestured to the girl in Peter's lap, raising his eyebrows and making a face.

"Yeah," Peter sighed. He noticed Wade's instant reaction, his anger and fear, and jumped to amend his statement. "She's just like us, Wade. She's been tortured and abused, and she can't control that thing within her. She told me it takes over and make her do things, but after you- well, you- g-got hurt, she stop-stopped the thing and then she was herself. She's only 6, Wade." Peter smiled down at the girl, and Wade melted.

"Jeez," the older teen sighed. "She really had no control?"


"Mmm," Wade hummed, and the two fell into silence.

"How long does losing legs take to recover from?"

"Oh," Wade smiled faintly. "I'm not entirely sure. I only know that the last time I was in pieces, the pieces were a lot smaller and I grew everything back in about a week."

Peter nodded, remembering Wade telling him that Deadpool had blow himself up one time before. "So we're looking at a week?"

"Nah, it'll be less than that since I have my whole upper half still. And part of my thighs." Wade shrugged. "I give it a day or so."

Peter nodded, returning his hand to its place in Morgan's dark hair. It was silent in the cell, save for the light dripping of water from a broken pipe behind the teens.

"We need to get out of here," Wade said. "The Doc is going to be pissed that Venom didn't kill me. He's going to be back once he knows I'm awake."

Peter nodded. "Okay, so when he comes back, you'll take Morgan. I want you guys to get as far away as possible, I'll follow you with my webs and we-"

"Absolutely not." Peter raised an eyebrow at his friend. "There is no way I am going to let you stay here by yourself. You're hurt, Pete."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Dude, you have to get Morgan out of here."

"Fine, here's the plan. You take Morgan, use your webs to get out. I'll stay here. There's literally no way for me to die, its the safest bet."

Peter glared at his friend. "Compromise. We both stay and fight."

Wade sighed in exasperation and flopped backwards. There was no getting through to the brunet, not when there was other people at stake here.

An hour passed, spent in awkward silence, and then Peter's superhearing picked up the unmistakable sound of footsteps down the hall.

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