vi. In the deeeets

27 21 7

TRIGGER WARNING! Harsh self criticism ig? Idk how to explain it but if ur sensitive to people crapping on themselves don't read on lol

Mk so y'all in the previous chapter I said I was having a hard time and tbh I really want to rant about it but i don't feel comfortable with anyone so i decided to do it here bc y'all can ignore it if you want.

So! Basically i've been feeling super annoying lately?

I've felt way worse before and i've felt nothing at all before but idk this just bugs me

Like, i'll be chilling w/ a friend and suddenly there's this knot in my chest and i canmt breathe and im only thinking abt how they probably hate me and why i suck and honestly? Not a vibe

I've been reading parley (peter parker/harley keener) fics recently bc it's one of my comfort rare pairs but i just,,, wanna stop it all

Like i'm not suicidal or anything, it's nothing heavy anf i've felt this a million times b4 and a million times worse but rn i just cant deal w/ it.

I mean. Everyone in my family is already out of class and i still have one more month;

I don't feel like I can trust anyone in my life with any real secret of mine;

I have stupid projects to hand in;

I'm always like,, the dumbest piece of person ever, and I mean always;

And honestly i just,,,, sigh,, im tired y'all

Im sorry for this messy af rant i still have a load to say but y'all don't deserve that

Love y'alll

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