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So uhh

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So uhh

Y'all may have seen my message; in which case, yOU KN O W

but like, in case u don't bc you're not following me(which you should do, quality messages on there- oh! And the occasional chapter update lmao) you better buckle up bc we're in it for the lONG RIDE!!

So uh my crush and I have been talking nonstop for about three weeks now but we were good friends way before that. Like, November last year-ish.

sO I like her and she says that she has a crush on someone (abt Thursday of last week)

It was more of a slip up, not international but ever since i've been hounding her to tell me bc even tho I like her she's my friend first so yeet.

ANYWHO!! She insist that she'll tell me on Tuesday (today) bc it's the last day she's coming to school. I stop coming two weeks from now.

And since then- every now and then in times where I DID NOT UNDERSTAND AT ALL she would just say 'do u know who I like' and i'd be like??? nO bc her supposed clues gave away nOTHING but anywho-

So! It's finally today and she takes me away in recess (bc she's one year older than me aka in a different class) and we joke around before she says

"So, do u know already?" and i'm like "?? No??" and she says "you you dumbass" (we can see i'm a great writer thru this)


I sit down besides her (bc I was standing up, she was sitting on the stairs) and I just lean against her and we talk and semi flirt and I'm flustered the whole time and then we go to the bathroom and we're talking and alone and hugging and she just grabs my face and kisses my cheek and then, , me

And I'm like, ,, hnnn

Bc ykno, I'm a small gay who just had her fIRST KISS W/ HER CRUSH??? UM WHAT

but like it lasted less than .5 secs so I couldn't react and then we were hugging again and hnn

And like I told her that I liked her back but uhh

Y'know she's actually fifteen (so 1 year and a few months older) and she's gonna go to a different school and we're not gonna see eachother as much and it was gonna be hard staying in touch

And, , hnnn i'm so sad y'all

She's so pretty and we could been gfs but like, ,, ughhh why did she have to tell me on her last day of school.

So uh yeet that's it lmao. I'm missing a load of stuff but idc rn


(also we keep talking but not about this and before she had said this was just a mini crush but today she was like super flustered (not as much as me tho) so idk???)

(also we keep talking but not about this and before she had said this was just a mini crush but today she was like super flustered (not as much as me tho) so idk???)

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