Chapter 5 | The Rise and Fall of the Abomination

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything that related to Doctor Who, with the exception from my own Original Character. I never benefit from anything by it too. Just sayin'...

A/N: Chapter 5 for me is interesting, because this is where the plot thicken. I hope. I am still learning on this sort of, making huge story line with foreshadowing and stuff. I do hope I got it right, but I hope this won't ruin the whole series and all, and please remember I am an amateur writer so I still have a vague sense of what's foreshadowing, or writing huge story time line sort of type of thing.

I am a slow learner, but I learn.


Anyway! I am rambling. Onto the story!


Entering the long gallery where the puzzle box was should be on the displayed but there was nothing. Mona Lisa stalked over to where the box should have and screamed in anger when she turned into the small area to see a man in a striped suit wearing a long brown coat holding it, a man who was too familiar with Sam. He had mix emotions of being relieved and surprised at the sight of the Doctor as he turned to them, but then he felt scared when his expression darkened at the sight of him.

"Well, of all the things I was expecting to find here, the Mona Lisa using a gun and holding a child hostage was not on the list." the Doctor said. His tone was light, but Sam heard an underlying current of steel in it.

"I don't know who you are or how you got into my museum, but hand over the puzzle box or this precious little child isn't going to remain so precious," Mona Lisa said to the Doctor. She reached over and ran her finger through Sam's hair.

"Doctor, it's the Abomination!" Sam shouted. The Rider slapped a hand over his mouth and twisted his arm tighter, making Sam whimper.

"And unleash the Abomination on Earth," the Doctor said. His dark brown eyes bored into the Mona Lisa. "I was hoping to get the key and get that painting out of here."

"Not an option," Mona Lisa growled. She pointed her gun at the Doctor and met his gaze evenly. "I've waited five hundred years for this!"

"Leonardo would be so disappointed," the Doctor said. He shook his head but his eyes remained on Sam. "Let him go and I'll give you the box."

"Give me the box and I'll let him go." Mona Lisa countered sharply.

"Start sending him over."

The Time Lord and the now living painting glared at each other, then Mona Lisa's gaze dropped down to the box and she slowly nodded, agreeing with the Doctor's demand. She signalled the Rider to let the boy go and the painting released his grip on Sam, and he carefully straightened, rubbing his arm.

"Well boy, go over to your mysterious friend. Harder, you go and get the box," Mona Lisa ordered while still keeping her gun trained on the Doctor.

Walking slowly towards the Doctor, Sam glanced down at the box with a worried expression. Mr. Harding stepped up to the Doctor and took the puzzle box from him as Sam reached the Doctor. Carefully, the Doctor gripped Sam's shoulder and pushed the boy behind him, as Mr. Harding turned back to the Mona Lisa with the box.

"Tell me you have a plan?" Sam whispered softly.

"I had one, but I haven't figured out the new one yet," the Doctor answered. His voice was low and he was keeping himself protectively between Sam and the Mona Lisa.

Mr. Harding stepped away from Sam and the Doctor, glancing back at the boy. There was an odd look on his face that filled Sam with a sense of dread. The Doctor pulled Sam a little further away from the man and the puzzle lock.

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