Chapter 8: Class Clown's Debut

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Tuesday, 6:30 PM, Joker's  Purple Volkswagen Beetle, an alternative to his Lowrider:

Harletta's POV: We were driving back to Wayne Manor, after we had frozen yogurt at Jerry's, and I was just daydreaming away. I was thinking about tomorrow, and what I might do at school. Oh yeah, drama tryouts were the day after tomorrow! I was so excited to tell Jokerino about it all. Wait a second. An amazing idea just hit me! I have to act fast.

I spoke up and asked, "Umm, Uncle Jokes?"

"Yeah lil' girl buddy? What 'cha need?" He replied softly.

"Uh, well, I have this friend, and he's an orphan, like he doesn't have any family at all, so he's never gone to school before. And I had this amazing idea, and-"

He cut me off before I could finish, he stated surely, "Say no more. Where does he live?"

I blinked harshly, then regained my composure and said, "Oh, well, it's the old dusty unowned warehouse on Fifth Avenue, the big grey one."

After that, He answered calmly, "Good thing, cuz I thing that's the only warehouse in all of Gotham that has free parking!"

I laughed. And before we knew it, we were there!

*Very Short Retro '60s Batman Time Skip/Transition*

Tuesday, 7:00 PM, Junior Villain Warehouse:

Jokerino's POV: I had somehow smeared my lipstick from laughing too much. How in the world had I never noticed this before? My biggest hero was, no, still is, my best friend's Godfather! I had to compose myself though, Elaina might come over to the warehouse later, as usual.

I wiped my eyes off with my light green cuff, on the wrist of my purple sleeve. I must have been crying too since I was laughing so much. I brushed myself, straightened myself, tried to smooth out my clothes, and went to go sit back down on the couch and turn the television back on.

But before I could get it to work, I heard something. A, car door opening? And someone jumping out! I heard something else before the car door closed. Harletta, talking? No, this had to be my imagination. Why in the world would she be here at this time of night, and here, of all places?

I heard another voice say something too. I had no excuse but to assume it was Joker, though that was a baffling idea to me, it said, "Hey, lil girl buddy, do you mind if while you're doing all this, I go run an errand real quick that I gotta do? I'll be back of course," He laughed.

Then I heard her reply joyfully, "No, not at all! Bye Uncle Jokes!"

After that, my curiosity led me to peek out the window, and out of which I saw, a purple Volkswagen Beetle, pulling out and beginning to drive away! It was true! It was all true! And now the only question left to ask, was, why in the world did Harletta specifically ask to be driven here?

That question was going to be answered sooner than I thought, I realized, as Harletta clicked the large metal door open with her key.

"I'm baaaack....." She rang in a singsongy voice throughout the large space as she entered.

No response. What was my mouth doing?! I wanted to say something, anything, everything for pete's sake! Why couldn't I get anything out?! The words were getting in the way of me, speaking? That's weird. I guess I was just too stunned to say or do anything, cuz I just stayed frozen, in place for a few seconds after that.

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