Chapter One ~ Is He Beginning to Love Me?

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Present day 2014, Felicity is currently 24 (Her birthday is Februrary 14th, 1990)

~ Felicity's POV~

Thank goodness work is almost over! My feet are killing me. I've been working at this Denny's since I was 15 years old, when I was a Junior in 2005. In the last 9 years this place has been renovated twice and since the last renovation, which was just finished last week, I think I've gotten a hang of where everything is. As I carry a tray with Chicken Noodle Soup, and pancakes to a table with a party of 5, I trip and fall over something that was left in the walkway! I tried to ketch all the food I was carrying before I hit the floor, but it was TOO LATE! Just as I begin to get up I notice two pairs of shoes in front of my face, they're both black shoes but one pair was combat boots and the other was a shiny pair of dress shoes. I look up just in time to see my angry and disappointed Manager and a very, handsome, Navy Man, in his Blueberry Digital Camouflage Uniform standing in front of me. I blush a bright tomato red color, which gives emphasis to my embarrassed and humiliated reaction from  my latest mistake. This is when my manager started ripping me a new one.


Yes, I have tripped plenty of times at work, but today is the worst yet, it is the first time I spilled on not only customer, but military personnel.

"I'm sorry Garret, I don't know how I tripped. And sir, I am so sorry! I will pay for your uniform to get cleaned and get you anything you would like, all payed for by me."

In the most handsome and yes, I mean handsome deep voice I have ever heard, the Navy Man said, "All I would like is for you to go to dinner with me."

Stunned and completely surprised I replied, "You want to take me on a date?" My facial expression looked like the scream but not scary, well at least I hope not! I looked over to Garret the Manager and I watch him as he is trying to hold back a laugh. He's trying so hard to hold it in his beginning to turn purple. He's really getting a kick out of this. Garret treats me like his younger sister and he knows that I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A DATE IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!

"Yes I would like you to meet me at The Melting Pot at 7:30 tonight."

"Oh at 7:30 I..." Just as I begin to tell him that that's when I get off, Garret being Garret cuts in.

"She'd love to accompany you, I will even make sure that she get there by 7:30."

The Navy Man thanks us and leaves. Now its my Turn to rip Garret a new one. I walk him to the back alley way.

"You've got to be kidding me! What in the Sam hell was that about!? Why did you tell him I would be there?!?!? You know for a Fact that I get off at 7:30!"

"Lity, calm down first of all. Second, you should of seen your face when you heard his voice you were literally DROOLING! I Swear there is still a puddle!" Garret Laughs but I'm not amused. "Lity this is your first date ever! And if you saw the way you two looked at each other, you probably wouldn't believe what I saw."

"What did you see Gar?"

"True Love at First Site."

"You've got to be kidding me Gar."

"I'm not never have I seen your Eyes Glow like that before. But any-who! What are you going to wear?"

"Well Gar, I WOULDN'T KNOW! BECAUSE MAYBE I DON'T GET OFF UNTIL 7:30! So probably my work clothes."

"Say no more I'll clock you at at 7:30, right now it is 5. You go home and get ready and I will see you tomorrow and you can tell me all about the date." Garret said this with the biggest trolling smile ever.

"Okay thank you Bro. I appreciate it!" I leave work early, although I feel awkward for leaving work and getting paid for being there when I know I'm not there.

I walk home to my little one Bedroom apartment that I've been living in since my Senior year in 2007. As I walk in my front door, I shoot my best friend Clara a text:

SO guess who is 24 and having her first date?

Clara responded within a Minute:


I never thought I would see Clara flip out on text before! But now I did, and I quickly responded:

Get your ass over here and make me pretty! Tell you details when you get here!

No longer then 5 minutes later, Clara and I were finding me a dress to wear.

"Clara are you sure about this one?"

"Fliss, I am 110% positive."

Clara chose a dress I bought but never bothered to wear. It was a dark red color, that was fitted and went down to my mid thigh. I Have to admit I did look smoking.

"Fliss, I've got a clutch you can borrow. Let me run upstairs and get it."

Did I Mention that Clara lives right above my apartment? Anyways, I looked in my mirror and just stared. I look so much like my mother. I can just hear her in the back of my head.

"My sweet and beautiful princess." I begin to feel tears run down my face just as Clara comes back in.Clara could tell I was remembering the last words my mom ever said to me.

She calms down and says, "Fliss, your mom would be so proud of you and would want to see the biggest and happiest smile on your face. She's with you wherever you go you know that."

I look at Clara and begin to feel better. Clara washes my face and gets a nice facial going, then begins doing my hair. She says its better to do hair before make-up, something about the heat of the iron messing up the look. When Clara finishes my hair looks like it has a soft blow out. I love it though, then Clara does my makeup, she says she wants my blue eyes to pop especially since I have naturally black hair. By the time Clara is done it is now 7:15.

"Clara I'm going to be late if I walk."

"Fliss I'm driving you, now grab your heels and lets go."

I grab my heels and phone and Clara's clutch, and leave for The Melting pot. By the time we get there It is 7:45, because the traffic on 6th avenue was backed up. I walk in and see the Navy Man sitting waiting for me. He gets up and puts his left arm out bent, (the left arm so if there are any military personel here he can salute them) and I wrap my are around his and we make our way to our table.

I begin to say, "I'm so sorry I'm late you see I don't have a.."

He cuts me off and says, "Don't worry I just got here 5 minutes ago. I wanted to look good for you."

As he pulls out my chair he says in my ear, "Your the most beautiful women I've ever seen, I already think I am falling for you", giving me chills down my spine for the first time ever. I think I am falling in love with his sweet deep voice and muscular build and politeness.

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