Chapter 3~ Possibly Finding the Girl of My Dreams

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~The Navy Mans POV~

Since I was 15 I've been looking for the love of my life. A beautiful girl with sparkling eyes, a soft spoken voice, a beautiful figure, although that's not my top priority, a gorgeous smile, and a wonderful personality. Those have always been my standards, and now that I am 27, I'm ready to settle down and start a Family, and this girl I am with on a date, I believe is the girl of my dreams. 

"So lets work as a team and Pick our Cheese fondue", I say and she looks up and smiles and says, "Ok!"

I still haven't caught this girls name either, I didn't even see her name tag at Denny's. 

"So we should get the Cheddar cheese fondue." She looks up at me to get reassurance.

"You read my mind", I say as I look up and try to give her sexy eyes like many male actors do in movies.

She giggles, "You look silly, its somewhat attractive." She continues gigling putting her hand over her mouth, trying to contain the laughs. As she continues to giggle I decide we should choose salad. 

"So you look like a Ceasar Salad type of girl."

She looks up with a shocked, wide eyed face, "How could you tell?"

"Just a good guess thats all." I say with a sly smile on my face. 

"Hmm.... Then I will just have to try to guess your entee would be... mmm... ummm.... Atlantic Salmon?" Its quite adorable how unsure she is.

"You're answer is right above what I would get but.. You look like an All Natur-all Breast of Chicken person." After I said that I was hoping she would be offended because it didnt sound right how I said it, but its what it said on the menu so, Oh well, I guess. Shoot my face is getting hot, it must be turning red.

"Wow you are really good at guessing what I like." She's got wide eyes which cause me to notice her gorgues blue eyes that just pop! They are incredibley beautiful, I feel like I'm swiming in the ocean. Thank God she did not notice my red face.

"Well I wouldn't say that I am a good guesser, haha! I guess you could say, well I don't what you could say." Oh my did I just flub my words? I think I'm red in the face due to embarrassment. I had been looking down at the table, and decide I should look up at her. She was staring at me like she wanted me to kiss her, she looked entranced, then she started to speak.

"I'd call it a Remarkable talent." She said it with passion. I was going to tell her how beautiful she looked as I did when we got to the table but then our waitress, Cathleen came back.

"Are you two ready to order now?"

I reply, "Yes we are." I look to my date and say, "would you like me to tell her or do you want to tell her?"

"Um... You can if you'd like." She became shy suddenly. So I took Over.

"Alright Cathleen, we will start with the Chedder Chesse Fondue, for both of us, two Cesar Salads, one All Natur-all Chicken Breast", this time I said it without emphasizing the second all,"for my beautiful date, then a Filet Mignon for me, and for dessert we will finish off with one milk chocolate fondue." 

Cathleen finishes writing the order, "Okay, the chedder chesse fondue will be on its way shortly."

I thank Cathleen and look back at my date. I have got to ask her what her name is. 

I swallow my pride and... "You know I feel really stupid, but I need to ask you something." 

She turns and she gives me a puzzled look. How is she not curious to know my name? I purposely haven't told her, just to see if she will ask. Maybe it slipped her mind. She looks at me waiting and doesn't say a thing.

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