Chapter 2~ The Date

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~ Hello Everyone! I hope Everyone is ready for Chapter 2! Because I know I am! But then again I am the Author.

If you guys ever have Suggestions for the story please leave comments or write on my messageboard, I will read all your comments and Messages. Please don't get mad at me if there is something missing in this Chapter, Its supposed to be (: Also Please vote if you like my story! Vote for each Chapter please!

Also one more thing I must note! Every Place I mention, is a real place, The Melting Pot is a real restraunt if you go on Google and look up The Melting Pot San Diego, you can actually see a picture of what the inside of the restraunt looks like! Go Check it out, and when I mention Streets and sights they are reall as well!

Love you all ~SR~~


~Felicity's POV~

As he pulls out my chair he says in my ear, "Your the most beautiful women I've ever seen, I already think I am falling for you", giving me chills down my spine for the first time ever. I think I am falling in love with his sweet deep voice and muscular build and politeness.

As he pushes me in I can feel fluttering in my stomach, or maybe it was just my stomach growling since I haven't eaten since noon. He walks to sit down and I am looking around the room, and noticing its beautiful. When you first enter you see booths which remind me of Denny's and many other diners. But the boths are luxurious looking, you also see a stairs which allows you to see the Elegantcy of the restraunt. Each table top is made of white granite that has black speckles, and the table has a melting pot on it to melt chocolate down to eat the Fondue. When you look up to the ceiling it looks like a museum with frames that have depth. The lighting of the room gives is a romantic feel, the perfect way to feel on a date.

When I look back to the Navy Man, I notice hes staring at me with his Hazel-Green eyes, with a look that makes me want to kiss him. I begin to feel my face get hot, I realize through my make-up I am blushing profusely, he was watching me observe my surroundings with a goofy look of astonishment, of how elegant everything was.

"You know you're extremely adorable, right?" The Navy Man asks as I place my Napkin on my lap.

"Uh... Um.. No I didn't.. Haha", I say not sure what to say to him at the compilent he had just given me. "Thank you." There it is! Woo I saved myself from being rude.

"You know I....", just as I began to speak the waitress comes up.

"Hello welcome to The Melting Pot, my name is Cathleen, and I'll be your server tonight. Is there anything I can start you two off with?" She hands us our menus for dinner as she asks this. As she looks to the Navy Man he holds his hand out to indicate Ladies first. I am pleased by his justure.

"I'll just have a water please, but no ice." I say with a smile on my face.

"Okay, and for you, sir?" Cathleen answers as she finishes writing my drink down.

In his deep voice he answers, "I'll take a water as well."

"Okay! I'll be back with that shortly."

As I look down at my menu, he asks,"Have you been here before?"

"No, this is actually my first time, I have idea how this works."

He smiles with a glimmer in his eye, "I can help with that, you see its four courses, we start off by picking a cheese for our cheese fondue, then we order salad, then an individual entree each, and finally we pick one single chocolate for chocolate fondue. So we have to work as a team you see."

I understood now but thought I might ask something, "Yes I understand but, one thing, If we get cheese fondue and then chocolate fondue how are we supposed to eat the chocolate fondue, without cheese being in the fondue?" I know it sounded stupid but it really was troubling.

Which an awed oh expression he said," Ohh-h-h, you're so sunny and adorable! They switch The Melting Pot and clean it out."

This made me laugh because it was a really good pun. "Hehe, you're quite the charmer aren't you?"

"No I just wanted you to relax. It's as if you have never been on a date in your life."

I bow my head in embarrassment, my curls hiding my face. "Well you see, this is my first date in my entire life."

When I look up his face had gone from oh, to shock, then to a glow and extremely romantic look. "Well, I must be one lucky man to be taking the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life, on her very first date."

He spoke so sincere, I thought I was falling in a trance, I probably looked like a middle school girl watching her crush walk in the room with her arm on the table going, "hhhhhh". Just then Cathleen set our waters down. I snapped out of it as she asked, "Is the Lovely couple ready to order?"

The Navy Man and I answer in unison,"No, Not just yet." I think we scared Cathleen her eyes nearly bugged out. 

"Okay I'll be back soon to check on you soon."

I looked at the Navy man and giggled. We hadn't been her long but it was only just the beginning!


Okay Guys so I know this Chapter was cut short but I will be posting again a while! Just keep checking, the Next chapter we shall continue the date. and who Knows what will happen.

Talk to you soon!


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