In the Day

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Michelle doesn't talk about it. She doesn't talk about much anyway when they're in school, she's always content to be the quiet and observant one. So there's no way in hell she's about to walk up to their lunch table, plop down, and bring up the tiny little fact that they slept together a few days ago.

Okay, it was just sleeping and it's not like she planned it. It just happened. It also just happened to be the best sleep she's had in awhile. She didn't sleep last night though, her eyes had just shut when the alarm blared and pried them open again. The lie of just reading one more chapter had kept her turning pages and falling deeper and deeper into another world all night.

Judging from the way Peter has his chin in one hand while he picks at food on the tray with the other, she thinks it's fair to assume he didn't sleep either. Although, he could've just been out doing the hero thing. She doesn't know. MJ isn't sure why but she drops her tray right across from his and sits before the fluttering in her stomach makes her second guess it.

She's having a standoff against her own body and its reactions. She wants to smile at him so she doesn't. Her stomach gets all twisty so she stays instead of moving to the end of the table and away from him. If he feels any awkwardness about their late night cuddle session a few nights ago, he hides it a lot better than she ever expected.

"Hey, MJ."

"Hey." No loser, dork, nothing just 'hey' today because she's sleepy and a little cranky and his stupid hair is doing the stupid swooshy thing. Before she can say anything else or Peter can even blink at her, Ned breaks their little bubble of solitary companionship.

"Are we on for decathlon practice after school today?"

"You haven't memorized the schedule?" She knows he has. She knows Peter has too. "Slacking off on me, Leeds."

"I have but you look..." Ned trails off when she glares.

Normally, it'd be a little serious and a little playful. She likes Ned but today she's running on maybe half an hour of sleep and there's more bite than she intends.

"What do my looks have to do with-"

"I-I think Ned just means we're all kinda on edge today and maybe we should take a break." Peter rushes through the words, stumbling over them and Michelle knows what he's doing. He's being the hero and diffusing the situation before it gets out of hand because Ned is right and she looks tired, is tired, feels it in her muscles. Fuck, she needs some sleep.

"I'll see what I can do." It's one hundred percent not because Peter is giving her those soft tired eyes.

"Awesome, because I was thinking about asking Betty if she wants to see a movie and-"

"Ned. Don't care." But she does care, too much, about both silly boys currently grating on her last nerve. If she wasn't so tired, she might even tease him. Screw it, tired is overrated anyway. "So you and Betty, huh?"

MJ lifts an apple slice from her lunch tray and bites into it. Food is energy and all that, right? Peter raises his eyebrows at her but she ignores him. Sort of.

"We're just talking." Ned is suddenly very interested in his lunch and MJ slips into a better mood, smirking at him. "Thought you didn't care?"

"Mhm. Sure."

Lunch flies by with some light teasing after that, a few well placed taps of her converse against the top of Peter's foot to get his attention when he spaces out, and less crankiness on all parts. She doesn't mention that she slept like a baby curled up against him and he doesn't mention that he had his arm around her till he woke hours later.

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