Just One More Minute

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     Peter Parker hasn't ever invited a girl over to hang out. He's not really sure why he asked MJ to come over. Okay, that's a huge lie. He wants to sleep and for some strange reason, he only sleeps if she's around and he can't crawl through her window tonight since she won't have the place to herself. Logically, the only thing to do was invite her to his place. The fact that Aunt May is leaving soon is just icing on the cake and an awkward encounter avoided.

     He tries to clean his room but he gets frustrated after twenty minutes. The rest of it ends up kicked under the bed. Michelle's gonna walk in and immediately start making fun of all the nerdy things he has lying around and plastered on the walls but he doesn't mind the teasing so much. He's still somewhat in shock that she agreed to come over.

     Peter tosses the last shirt from his collection taking up floor space into the hamper and gives his room a quick once over. It's as clean as it'll get. He briefly wonders if she feels this nauseated and jittery before he slips into her room for a night. His stomach is twisting, heart pounding and he has enough energy to climb the walls at least thirty times, maybe forty. It feels different now that she's the one who'll be investigating his bedroom.

"Wow, you cleaned." Peter turns to face his aunt and tries to ignore that she's dressed for a night out or who it could be with. "Special occasion?"

"I have a friend coming over, is that okay? We're just going to watch a movie and eat everything in the kitchen."

"Sure, I'll be back late. Just keep the noise down and don't set the place on fire." May grins at him and he feels his stomach sink just a little. He doesn't mention that his friend is female or that he can't seem to sleep without her next to him. Some things are better left unsaid.

"Pretty sure I'm not the one who almost starts fires."

"Hush." They share a smile before she leaves and he's finally alone. He told Michelle to come any time but now he's grabbing his phone and checking texts just in case.

He's taking the night off for this, unless something happens that requires his attention. It better not. This is something he's looking forward to. They haven't spent much time together other than sleeping or talking for a brief period of time and then sleeping. School doesn't really count. At least, he doesn't think it does.

Part of him fears that she won't come until it's really late and they'll crash in minutes while the other half of him is afraid she'll be here early and they'll have nothing but awkward silences. He gives his room one last glance and heads for the kitchen to bust out the movie snacks.

He's elbow deep in the cabinet, grabbing at the popcorn, when there's a soft knock on the door. His phone goes off next and he pulls it from his pocket to see the message from MJ. He didn't need the confirmation. He knew from the knock who's waiting on the other side. The knots in his stomach intensify as he opens the front door.

"Hey," Peter says, standing to the side in an open invitation for her to come in.


"My aunt just left so we have the place to ourselves." MJ nods and steps inside, her eyes bouncing around as she takes it all in. Her hand grips the strap of her backpack when Peter comes to a halt beside her.

Her hair is down. He's seen it down. He's woke up to it tickling his face and her curls tangled around his fingers but for some reason seeing her standing in his living room with her hair down is making him breathe a little faster than necessary. It's getting harder to deny that he maybe really likes her.

It's as awkward as he imagined. MJ looks around, everywhere but at him and he tries to follow her gaze and figure out what she's thinking but the silence stretches as they stand next to each other. She finally gives him a little glance and nods to the bag she has slung over her shoulder.

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