The Little Things

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     Peter knows his girlfriend isn't one for giant romantic gestures. She prefers little moments and small touches. She likes watching movies together, sharing a pizza, and cuddling or nap dates. However, he takes to leaving notes in her books or sketch pad on a brightly colored post-it and she says nothing about it. He catches the smiles she tries to hide as she reads them, the way her eyes light up, and he doesn't need anything more than that.

     He isn't prepared for the slip of paper sticking out of his chemistry book. It isn't that MJ isn't romantic, she is in her own way. He adores her. The brutal honesty paired with a kiss or her body wrapping around his as she laughs and soothes the sting with a quick compliment. Some nights they stay awake to talk about serious things like the future and she's soft, pliant, and a complete sap in an awkward kinda way.

     So it's not that she never does anything to showcase affection because it's quite the opposite but he's never found a note in any of his belongings or schoolbooks before. He knows before unfolding the note that it's from her. The same way he always knows when she's in the same room as him, or in the vicinity. His heart beats a little faster, heavier. A thump against his ribs saying she's here, the one you love and then he spends at least two minutes arguing with himself over why he hasn't told her his feelings.

     The words scrawled on the page are definitely hers, the loops and lines he knows well from watching her take notes during class and borrowing them for classes he's missed. Not that he stares at her. Okay, so he does. It's not creepy now, they're together.

Hey loser,
Hopefully you see this before class but knowing you, you didn't and now you're sitting there reading this instead of paying attention. Don't worry, you can borrow my notes later. Best girlfriend ever award goes to me.

     He smiles without meaning to, one of those grins that takes over the whole face, scrunches the eyes and radiates pure happiness. She really is the best. Not that he has a lot of experience but...she's the only experience he ever wants to have.

Stop smiling like a creep or the teacher is going to catch you. Now that I have your full undivided attention, I need you to go to the first class we ever had together in this building. Right now. You're good at running out of classes, make one of those famous Peter Parker excuses.

     He doesn't even finish the note. It takes him two minutes to shove everything back in his bag and jump up with an excuse. Probably the worst one he's ever given and Ned just looks at him from the desk next to his. He knows before he's out the door with the teacher yelling, that he's going to get a text from his best friend but he doesn't have time to think about that. He's too busy clutching the note in his hand and sprinting through the hallway.

     First class they had together in this building just happens to be a room that's no longer used as anything more than storage for extra desks and tables. He doesn't know what he's expecting but when he turns the corner and sees the door firmly shut, his heart skips at least three beats.

     The door is surprisingly unlocked. MJ definitely had something to do with that because he knows for a fact, it's locked year round. When he steps inside, his heart sinks just a fraction. She's nowhere to be seen, he even peeks behind the stacks of chairs and under tables. He checks the closet at the back of the room too, vaulting over the desks piled in front of it. He smooths out the note he crumpled on his journey here, and frowns down at it.

No, we're not going to make-out hot and heavy in an abandoned classroom so slow down. I'm not there. Once you're inside, check the 3rd desk from the right in the 4th row.

     He learned nothing from rushing the first time and not reading the entire note as he once again stops reading to count the desks. Does she mean the fourth row from the back or the front? Right from facing the north or the south or does she assume he's standing to the side? He looks back at the note and this time he's set on finishing it.

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