Erase the Space

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     A/N: Brief mention of sex. Nothing graphic. It's just a conversation.
     It's been a little over a month since the first night Spider-Man showed up outside her window and Michelle can't really imagine going back to the way it was before. She's too used to Peter climbing through her window, tossing his stuff wherever he pleases, excitedly chattering about something cool he did or nursing a wound that has her swearing up and down he's going to give her grey hair before she's twenty.

     She's seen more than she's ever wanted to. Scrapes, bruises, full on gushing blood wounds that make her nauseated and he casually told her one Saturday that he might've been hit by a car. As if that's completely normal. However, every time he hugs her tight after he's patched up, he lets her breathe him in and they just spend the night cuddling or watching something funny.

     The dude she never wanted to like but always did has somehow turned her into the person who curls up in bed with a book and a boy. She's become the girl who steals kisses between chapters, can't keep her hands to herself or out of his hair, presses her face into his chest when she's tired, and she even started collecting his clothes. MJ has become a sap and she doesn't hate it as much as she thought.

     He's all over her room even when he isn't with her. A shirt tossed over the back of a chair. A half finished sketch on her desk that he's scribbled little hearts onto in one corner just because she told him not to. A little note he left stuck to a bulletin board next to her travel posters. One side of the bed smells like him, one pillow will never be the same and she might hug that pillow sometimes. When he isn't around and she misses him, she grabs it and just keeps it close. It's stupid and pathetic and something she never thought she'd ever do.

Little pieces of Peter Parker are everywhere and she knows his room is starting to be just as crowded with things that are all her. Things she might leave accidentally on purpose. He's ruined her in just six weeks. It worries her how fast they've fallen into a relationship and how easily. She has nights she asks him not to come over just so she can think about it and work herself up.

He always seems to know because when they see each other again, usually at school, he gives her the space she needs until she actively seeks him out. Sometimes it bugs her. This is not one of those times. This is one of the times she's calling him to tell him to open his front door because it's been a few days since she's seen him outside of school and she's managed to doubt her way into a mess of emotions. While they both sleep better even when apart now, it's still not as comfortable or as fun as sharing the bed with him.

Some nights are still too hard to be alone and maybe this is one of those. He opens the door in seconds and she knows he ran to it, slid in his socks half the way because there's a thump and a "shit" and then it's open. He's there with his hair a little wild.

They say nothing as she follows him through the apartment but his hand is wrapped around hers and it's all MJ needs to know they'll be okay. As soon as they're in his room, she plants her feet and tugs till he turns around. He's the only one she feels comfortable enough with to let the guard down.

Words aren't always needed here. They've become pretty good at communicating with a look or a touch. In this case, she uses both. A soft look as she reaches up to stroke her fingers over his cheek, a question that he answers by bringing his lips to hers. The kiss is tender and warm, chasing the darkest of thoughts away.

"You okay?" Peter asks, brushing the hair from her face and holding her close.

"Missed you."

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