Lockdown /Part 1\

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This might trigger people so take this as a warning ⚠️

(Izukus POV)
It started as a normal day, my mom waking me up for school as she usually does..

"Izuku dear? Wake up, breakfast is ready downstairs"

I moaned not wanting to get up because it was the first day of the week. I eventually got up and brushed my teeth and got dressed.


"Izuku dear....come down here fast."

I ran to my mom thinking it was an emergency but than I saw her just looking at the TV

"What is it mom?"

"Izuku s-school shooting..."

"Huh where? This stuff never happens in Japan!"

"I don't know honey people are just sick in the head, anyways your breakfast is on the table... I have to leave early for work so be safe okay?"

"Okay! Love you have a good day!"

And like that my mom left. About 20 minutes later in finished my breakfast and cleaned my plate.

"Ugh..Well time for school"

I got to school early like always so I could talk to All-Might, after doing that I headed to class.

"Mourning Deku!!!"

"AHH Uraraka, how was your weekend?!"

"It was good! Thanks for asking Deku, how was yours?"

"It was good, i've just been training which is always fun."

"Yeah it is, well anyways class is about to start"

Uraraka started to fill out a paper for notes we had to take that day, than I looked back and saw him...

Kacchan... he's so cute omg!!

Everyone knew I liked him, just look at him abs cute voice cute personality the list goes on and on.

(Time skip to lunch because i'm lazy)


"YESS LUNCH! I honestly don't know why i'm so hungry!!"

"Oh hey Deku."

"Hey Uraraka!"

"Sooo some new people are sitting at our table for lunch and-"

"Not enough room? It's okay Uraraka I was gonna try to sit with Kacchan and his group anyways"



"Ok...ok i'll be quite....But really good luck"


I made my way to the cafeteria I got my lunch and went to go sit down.

"H-hey Kacchan.."

"Whats up nerd...."

"C-can I sit with you guys?"

"Why did you and round face get in a fight or something?"

"N-no not enough room.."

He sighs

"I guess but never again Deku I hate your guts."

Kirishama coughs "Yeah right."

Than Mina started to talk.

"Hey did you guys hear about the news?"

"That one school?" Kirishima says

"Yeah, people are sick in the head honestly!"


Kacchan grabbed my arm and we both ran out of the cafeteria to the closest closet.

An hour went by

And another

We heard gun shots and we knew the villain was near.

Then Kacchan grabs my chin.

"Listen nerd I know you like me and I like you too! If we die I want you to know that! I love you Deku!"

Than he kissed me on the cheek and I laid on his shoulder.

"I love you too."

3 more hours passed.

Than we heard footsteps...And the door open

Sorry this is short and sorry for not updating I've been busy! Anyways let me know if I should do a part 2 of this story

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