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It has been seventh therapy day. Dr Watson tried nearly everything but not a word came from Arawell's mouth. Dr Watson was lost. Last two therapy she didn't say anything just like her. She was examining her. Arawell nearly wasn't moving at all. Ever now she was walking by nurse to Dr Watson's therapy room. She was sitting on the same spot. And her eyes always locked on carpet.
Jane tried new methods with her , but no , nothing ever work. It's been nearly three week now. And Dr Watson was starting to lose hope when first time Arawell spoke.

" Can I have the blue one ? " she asked while holding piece of her shirt. Her voice was hush and broken. Her eyes were like blind ,didn't focused on anywhere.

Dr Watson panicked for a second but immediately put herself together.
" I'm sorry Arawell only nurses can have blue uniform."

Hearing her voice for the first time made Dr Watson nervous. She was silence again and she didn't say a thing.

" Don't you like white Arawell ?"
Dr Watson asked. She was expected that Arawell won't answer her again but she did answer her.

" I do not fit in white." She said still her eyes on carpet.

"Why do you think that?"

Arawell was thinking something. Maybe answer or maybe she was lost again. She looked at the window. The window was half open. And there was quite wind that day. It made edges of the few paper on the desk fly a little. Sunlight was touching Arawell's feet and half of the grey carpet.

" It's not like me anymore. It is new, cruel , there is no light in white. It is dry for me."

Dry ,Dr Watson thought, cruel. However she thought none of this words suited white. It's always been clean , innocent color. How could she describe white so cruel and why. It was hard to find.
It took Dr Watson back to her school days. She felt like she was doing an exam and has no idea what is the answer of this question. She hated that days. And now she felt uncomfortable with her. She only talked once and she already took her back to those memories that she hated most.

Dr Watson drank all the water in her cup.  And looked at the girl again. She looked so shapeless like she was somewhere away from her body.

" What color does suit you ? "

She answered so quickly.

"Green "

This time she looked directly to Dr Watson's eyes. It made her left hand shake slightly. It was always happening to her whenever she felt trapped.

" Why green ? I think you think it's calming or even dark maybe. Is it a reminder to you Arawell ? Is Green some kind of connection to you ?" She asked in a calm voice.

" Indeed why green Dr Watson? It is who you are isn't it ? Why Dr Watson ? Why am I here ? Why are you so selfishly looking into my eyes and asking me why green ? Because you can't understand why. You never been there you never seen it. You don't know a thing about me expect your little files. Do you think because you read my life in a two pages of a paper you know who I am. How could you know Dr Watson? Does it comforts you to get inside lost people's head and spit your lies in it. GO MY CHILDREN OPEN YOUR EYES. LIFE IS GOOD YOU WILL SEE WHAT IS IN BEYOND. WITH WHAT LIES YOU WANT TO BURN ME DOCTOR WATSON??!!  OR DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH CHAIN TO LOCK ME UP." She shouted so loud that the room was shaking with her angry words. Why this normal words made her angry?

Two nurses came into Dr watson's room. Held Arawell's both arms. But in her week body, Arawell out powered both of them and ran to the coridors . Nurses ran after her immediately. Arawell started to scream. She was saying something but it all sounded like scream. Then some kind of glass broke , It could be a window, a cup ,anything. Her scream stoped and Dr Watson saw they were carrying her body to her room and one of the nurses was holding needle in her hands and Arawell's hand was bleeding.
The nurse stopped front of Dr Watson't room.

"Can I get you anything Doctor ? "

"No Samantha , please just close the door."

"Quite a show." Mumbled the nurse and closed the door.

Dr Watson sank on her chair. She stood still. Of course she saw things like that sometimes. It was part of her job. Her words was what broke her. Why the color of green was her open wound. If she knew she wouldn't touch her wound. With her why's and what's.

Lies. Burn me with your lies. It was all in Dr Watson's head that day.


Arawell opened her eyes in the middle of the night. Two tears fell down both side of her head. Her hands were tied. She remembered she screamed. Lost control.

"Why you like my eyes so much?" 
" Because it is you. I ... It is your color , green is your color. And I'm lost in you. I'm lost in your green "

She was remembering but still couldn't see what happened. How happened . Who was this man. Angelic , she thought. She used to call him that.
She was lost. There was too many ways and she didn't know where to go.

"One day Howard I'll be gone and you won't find me."

" I know , I can't find you. But you will come back to me. You always do. You will find me and love me again."

"Where are you stranger ?" Arawell whispered.

"How can I find you? "

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