Thorny soul

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"Hello Mrs Hartley it's Dr Jane Watson."

"Oh it's you doct- is Arawell okay ? Is she fine ? What happened ?" Laurel asked in a worried voice. Dr Watson could felt that she was ready for any news anytime.

"She is fine and I must inform you that she is doing better." Jane said calmly.

" Then how can i help you Dr Watson ?"

Jane stopped and tried to put her thoughts together.
" She is doing better like I said. I try to understand her and to do so I must ask you about the boy who had a car accident, Howard Green."

Jane could hear the heavy breaths of Laurel from the phone. After a quite silence Laurel talked.

"Why do you ask about him. What is she telling you ? " She said in a rude way.

" I'm afraid I can't tell you that but you must know that every information you gave me will help your daughter Mrs Hartley." Jane kept her casual voice. She knew there was something about that boy. And to know what happened between him and Arawell will help her to know what kind of memory Arawell will remember if she could remember anything.

" He was a singer, not a very popular one. They came to Arawell to make their album cover and that's how they met as far as I know. But they became closer few months later. Whenever I called her he was always with her. At home outside, they even traveled together ..." Laurel stoped. It sounded like it was hard for her to say all of this. "It never happened Dr Watson, she never had any friends specially boyfriends. She never got along with people. She was always alone even when she was child. She was talking about things that let a ten years old child I , myself couldn't understood her. It shocked me , their close relationship. Which was seemed to be growing closer. But it made me happy too. She wasn't talking about how incredible shapes , shadows and ghosts that she is talking with. She used to tell me stories about them. But she didn't talk to me after I sent her to mental clinic for the first time. Six months later they said she was okay and doing greater than any patients they ever had. She didn't understand me still. She didn't understand why i had to sent her there. How I didn't have any other choice. I saved her life and for exchange she never talked to me probably again. She found the job by herself. She found my old friend Josh and after they talked she showed him every kind of art she made and then he found her a job immediately.

I thought Howard was a cure for her. She seemed so happy , normal for the first time in her life. But a month before accident I knew she was getting worse again. I thought it happens to everyone sometimes but after the car crush which I didn't know anything about . I..I - I understood the reason why she did that to herself."
Dr Watson heard Laurel's hoarse voice. She knew she was crying.
"Please Laurel calm yourself. In the time like this you have to be strong for her."
The only answer she gave was this before she hung up the phone.

" Please Dr Watson save her. Truly this time."

"How are you today Arawell ?"

" Still insane." Arawell said looking down the window. Jane laughed at her coment.
Dr Watson had asked to put one of the armchair by the window, so Arawell would be peaceful. She realized some time ago that how much she likes to look at the view. But doctor wasn't sure what she was seeing behind that glass.

"Do you remember anything new ?"

"Yes" she said. "Yes I remember a song. 'The Call' was it's name. I listened to that song with a shape."

" a shape ? What kind of shape ?" Dr asked. She walked to the window side. Her shoulder was touching the wall , her arms crossed.

"Something inhuman. Someone close." She said dreamy.

"What about the shadows you used to see ?"

"I can't tell you about them Dr Watson. I don't trust you enough." Arawell said looking at the old curious woman.

"You still don't trust me. I kept your secret and I'm helping you."

"I think you're going to do more for me." Arawell said. There was sad smile on her face.
That thought scared Jane. What more could she do to her ? How much could she risk for that shapeless girl.

"Can you get me a cigarette doctor ?"

"No Arawell I won't. You can't smoke in hospital." Jane said smiling to her.

"What about out of hospital. You promised you will take me to garden next week. I'm doing fine ain't I ?"

"Oh my dear Arawell, after found out your past. I won't ever believe your fine doings." Jane said she went to sit down. Her legs couldn't keep her up anymore. Old age, she thought.

"You're smarter than I gave you credit." Arawell said. She didn't knew yet but they were becoming friends not because she was her doctor, not because Arawell was her patient. Just because they were stuck up in the same room for two months now.

"I'm an old woman Arawell, you should give me even more credit. And I'm becoming more tired every day. Guess my time will come soon."

"Are you afraid to die Doctor Watson ?"

"No Arawell. I will go gladly when my time will come." Jane said.
Arawell walked around the room. Touched every object in the room. Touched the walls and finally sat on the guest table front of her desk.
"Good. Don't ever be afraid of death. It is a gift." She said. But Dr Watson thought, would she think same if she'd know about Howard being stuck between life and death.

Arawell got up and walked around and stood next to the window. First she walked around like five year old child. Then she stood by the window like a very old woman.

" In other universe I think I would be Sherlock Holmes and guess who you'd be ... Dr Watson!"

Jane couldn't stop herself but laughed loudly.
"What a thought. But don't make the mistake by thinking that you are the first person who made 'Dr Watson' joke with me."

When nurse knocked the door. They knew that therapy time was over.

Arawell looked at her before she opened the door herself.

"Don't forget the cigarette Jane."

And left.

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