glitter girl - 05

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I worked down the aisle of the fourth row of my favorite comic book store for the third time, because what else was I supposed to do on a Saturday morning.

When I finally found what I was looking for, I noticed someone I never expected to see within the walls of Come, Mix!


He had on, a grey hoodie and a pair of dark jeans. His dark brown hair was also covered with a white hat.

But it sure was a funny sight to see the Kyle Anderson clutching a copy of a romance comic, Age Matters.

Not that I think guys shouldn't reds those but that I never expected the Kyle Anderson to read them.

I couldn't help the chuckle that got out.

He noticed me just about then. Unfortunately, I was still looking in his direction, our eyes met and he almost immediately sent me a glare which I definitely, gracefully returned.

Though I have to say, I did catch his initial surprise and his cheeks reddening a bit, as if embarrassed he was seen there.

I turned back to face the shelves and picked up a copy of True Beauty.

I then reached for a copy of Freaking Romance just as he did. On reflex, we both retracted our hands, then he made a gesture as if to say, go first.

So I did.

After paying for my books, I walked down the street to an ice-cream place, Scoops!

"Hi" I said to the lady at the counter, with an ice-cream hat on.

"Hi" she replied. "Scoops is here to fulfil your magical dreams with the power of sweetness, so what dreams do you have today?"

I cringed. "They still make you say that?"

"Yep" Carly replied. "So what dreams do you have today?"

"One large, dark and gloomy dream" I replied, but it came out more like an echo because someone at the other end of the counter had ordered the same thing.

I looked to see who it was.

Oh, come on.

I looked across the counter at Kyle  while waiting for my order.

Could this be fate trying her very best to help me out?

Carly's voice snapped me out if my thoughts. "Sorry but we've run out of chocolate ice-cream"


"Yeah, well we have just about enough to make a bowl but you and the guy over there" she pointed towards Kyle, just as the guy attending to Kyle pointed at me. "He ordered the same thing you did"

"So can't I just have the last bowl?"

"That would be a bit unfair, don't you think? You both did order at the exact same time" she replied. "Or would you be willing to split it?"

I looked over at Kyle once again just as he looked at me, so I guessed Carl also suggested the same thing Carly did.

I guess I had my answer though.

Fate really was trying her best to help me out.

About two minutes later, I was seated in a booth in Scoops! face to face with Kyle. We had the bowl of chocolate ice-cream on the table separating us.

"You know you could just let me have it? That would be the gentleman-y thing to do" I said as I scooped up ice-cream with my spoon.

"Being a gentleman is overrated" he replied also scooping up some ice-cream.

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