Chapter 19

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It was Saturday and I'd gotten out of bed surprisingly early for me, ready for the day ahead. Yesterday, before I left the Vega house, I'd promised to meet up with Tori over the weekend to hang around, watch a movie and junk, and just kind of get used to the idea that I didn't have to hide behind a mask of hating her anymore. I'd managed to make it though the day so far without my reflex kicking in once, which I consider an achievement when she dragged me off into some beauty store and managed to spray perfume in my eye. Tori had apologised profusely, saying over and over that it was an accident, and yeah, I was annoyed, but I knew she didn't mean it and I somehow managed to keep my anger at bay and accept her apology, which she seemed very grateful about.

Honestly, I was having a really good time. For once I just forgot about the world and focused on having a good time with my girlfriend. It was still so weird to even think that Tori was my girlfriend and I couldn't help my smile every time I did think it. She was turning me into a cheesy ball of cliché, but it felt good.

Now, we sat in the movie theatre and I was trying to remember exactly why I'd let Tori pick what we were going to watch for this day out, as I was now stuck watching some sapping, lovey-dovey romantic tragedy thing while my girlfriend sat beside me, sniffling. Okay, so maybe I found it extremely cute when she sniffled, but no one will ever know that, besides, couldn't she sniffle over something that was half decent instead of this pile of garbage? The only good part was that the woman was slowly dying, so maybe I'd get a good death scene out of this. Not a 'slaughtered by a psycho' or 'run over by a herd of elephants' interesting death scene, but someone was going to die either way.


I look to my left where Tori's timid voice issued from and smiled down at my girlfriend. "Yeah?"

"You hate this, don't you?" She gestured to the screen where the dying woman was now sat around a table gossiping with some other brainless bimbos.

"I've seen worse." I said with a shrug. "But I've definitely seen better."

This earned a shushing from another audience member just behind us, who I casually flipped off, happy to hear Tori giggle at my actions, but still slap my lightly on the arm, telling me to behave. If it were anyone else at any other time, I'm pretty sure I would rip their arm off for even attempting to tell me off, jokingly or otherwise, but there was something about Tori that made me let it slide and laugh right along with her. Hell, I wouldn't be sat here watching this damn stupid movie if it wasn't for her. I don't know how it happened, but Jade West was going soft and, well, I actually kinda liked it.

For the rest of the movie, to relieve my boredom, I'd mutter stupid comments under my breath about everything that was going on. At first, it was because I was sick of watching this woman blubber about her life ending, but with every comment I made, I could hear Tori laugh softly beside me and soon enough I was whispering stuff in her ear just to hear her giggle. Of course, Mr Shushy Pants wasn't pleased with this particular display and kept making his shushing sounds every time I opened my mouth, which was actually more annoying than the comments I was making in the first place.

To see if I could piss him off any further, during a particularly bad scene, where dying woman was trying to eat some guys' face in some attempt at kissing him; I grabbed Tori by the chin and pressed my lips firmly to hers in an imitation of what was happening on screen. However, in only a few short seconds, I'd totally forgotten about the movie and ending up full on making out with my girlfriend in the middle of the cinema, which I received absolutely no protest to, at least, not from Tori. Shushy Pants, on the other hand, made a strangled noise of disgust, got up and moved a few rows back, away from us. Victory!

"You're cruel." Tori stated as we walked out of the cinema together. Okay, maybe I did laugh and say Finally! a little too loudly when that woman eventually kicked the bucket, but, hey, I was just glad it was over.

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