Chapter 17

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POV: Jade

"Kiss me."

The words slipped from my mouth, unplanned, not in a demand, but in a desperate plea. She looked absolutely dumbstruck, but I couldn't take the wait for a response and subconsciously dived forward, grabbing both her wrists in my hands and tugging her to claim her lips with my own, hoping to pour every ounce of hidden feelings, of words I couldn't say, of, just, everything into the most passionate and heartfelt kiss I could muster. To my surprise and relief, she responded eagerly, arms wrapping around my neck, her tongue easily slipping in to meet mine, a wild hunger coursing though my veins at the sensation. I was instantly lost in her, her scent, her taste, her touch, her kiss. There was nothing but Tori right now. No school, no closet, no stupid avoidance, just Tori and I.

The three days since I ran out of her room had gone by in what felt like an eternity. I needed the time to myself, to lock myself in my own mind and think. Just think. Think about everything that had happened since Sikowitz paired us together for that stage kissing project, even pushing myself further back, to when she had started at school, and all the insane feelings that had sprung up the second I saw her bathed in the bright lights on stage in the Big Showcase.

Maybe it was that very moment that I fell for Tori Vega; I remembered my heart skipped a beat the second she shuffled nervously on stage and I'd sucked in a sharp breath, which had caused Beck to give me a weird look and pat my hand gently in comfort. But I had withdrawn from the touch, completely captivated by the girl on stage.

Not that I let it show, or that my mind understood the sudden rush of feelings forced upon it. All it did was shine, big, flashing, neon, warning lights, yelling "THREAT!" over and over again. I knew right then she was beautiful and talented, destined to be a star, even if she didn't know it herself, even if I pretended she wasn't. My defences automatically went up at this knowledge, and any other feeling for the girl was tucked away in deep, dark corner of my mind, only to emerge now, covered in a thick coat of dust that had slowly been blown away since that first kiss.

I was unwillingly brought back to reality as Tori pulled back from me for air, her breathing heavy from the impromptu make-out session I had just landed on her. There was a dazed smile playing lazily on her lips that soon turned into a questioning gaze up at me, her eyebrows arrowed over the bridge of her nose as if she trying to be angry, but couldn't quite manage it.

"Jade-" She began to ask, but I immediately cut in.

"Kiss me." I repeated confidently, still trying to set my breathing right. "It's what I was going to say in the improv challenge, before Sikowitz interrupted me."

She looked confused again for a moment then it clicked and she looked back up at me, her mouth slightly open in what I guess was shock. "Y-you were going to... to kiss me in front of the whole class?"

I shrugged, suddenly and inexplicably feeling shy, which is something I never do. Jade West never feels shy. Then again, Jade West has been feeling a lot of things she's never meant to feel lately.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." I explained. "But now I'm kinda glad Sikowitz cut in. We'd have some explaining to do to everyone otherwise."

Tori nodded slowly, seemingly still stunned by my admission, and, honestly, I was too. I'd spent those three days brooding. Barely talking to anyone and getting snappy if someone hung around for too long. Everyone pretty much just shrugged it off as 'Jade being Jade' but it didn't take long for my friends to notice that something was up. Cat had been first to see it, and she knew exactly what it was, but the little red head knew better than to hound me about it, instead she just let me get on with figuring it out.

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