Chapter 14

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4:30pm... 2 and a half hours before the big date with Jade... and I was getting cold feet. Should I really be doing this? What if she stands me up? What if it's all just a game to her? I was ready to lay all my feelings out bare for her to see while she still tried to hide. But I was hopefully; too hopeful to prepare myself for any heartbreak that could come from this.

Or maybe I was thinking too much into it again.

I sighed and threw myself back onto my bed for the umpteenth time, feeling the bubbling of worry in the pit of my stomach which really didn't help. I'd been sat on the edge of my bed for the past ten minutes, fiddling with my phone, switching between two numbers in my contacts as I contemplated who to call, if anyone at all. The nerves of just the thought of going out somewhere with Jade alone were getting the better of me, no matter how much I wanted this, and her number stayed highlighted on the screen the longest while I tried to decide whether or not I should call the whole thing off, tell her I was sick and couldn't make it.

The second number was Cat's. She was the only person who knew about me and Jade, and therefore was the only person I could go to for advice. She'd also known Jade the longest and the best out of everyone, which was definitely a bonus.

I finally picked a number and my thumb hovered over the call button before I quickly pressed it and put the pear shaped cell up to my ear, listening to it ring as I waited for the girl to answer. I bit my lip, counting the rings; God, I've never been this nervous in my life.


I almost jumped when Cat's high pitched squeal sounded at the end of the receiver. Taking a second to get my breathing back right, I swallowed.

"Hey Cat!" I said with false cheeriness, hoping she wouldn't see through it. "How's it going?"

"Good." She said, sounding distracted. "I just had to stop my brother giving a kitten a haircut. I think the kitty's okay now, but it's got little patches of hair missing..."

Cat trailed off and I just knew she was stroking said kitten that was probably curled in her lap. I smiled despite myself.

"So, looking forward to your date tonight!" Cat came back, her voice full of excitement.

I spluttered. "I- what- how did you-"

"I was waiting for you two outside your door when Jade asked." The red head said with a giggle. I rolled my eyes; should've known. "Sooo! Are you excited? Where's she taking you?"

The fact that Cat was talking to me like this was any other date started to put my mind at ease, until I realised I had no idea where we were going tonight, just that Jade said she'd pick me up at 7.

"Uh." I ran a hand through my hair as Cat waiting patiently for an answer. "Actually, I'm kind of nervous and I don't know where we're going either."

There was a laugh from the end of the phone and a lot of shifting that sounded like Cat had rolled onto her back. This was followed by a small meow.

"Aww! I'm sorry kitty! Come back!" Cat called; I heard her rolled back over and scrabble across the floor, obviously in search of the near bald kitten. "Ow! Bad kitty! You hurt my finger!"

I could practically hear her pouting and the image of a small, patchy kitten gazing up fearfully at a sad Cat who was sucking on her hurt finger flashed up in my mind. I smiled at the image, but this was majorly diverting from the reason for the phone call.

"Cat, can we get back on track?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't offend the girl.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, Tori!" Cat giggled again; this time a heard her shuffle around and the squeak of springs as she crawled onto her bed. "Anyway, you'll be fine!"

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