Chapter 20

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Tori POV

The bright LA sun was streaming through my window, its rays blinding me even through my closed eyes, reluctantly waking me from my peaceful slumber. Usually, I was pretty good with mornings, but I had been enjoying a sweet dream and didn't want it to end, so I rolled over and buried my face into the pillow, screwing my eyes shut, determined to continue where the dream left off. It involved Jade, who had become a regular visitor to my night time visions, but as the last remainders of my tired mind slipped away, the dream followed, and I couldn't for the life of me remember what had been happening.

The annoyed groan that issued from my mouth was muffled by the soft cushion beneath me and it was with great effort that I rolled over and kicked the duvet from my body, only to be instantly hit by the cool air in my room, causing me to shiver. I stumbled from my bed, a little bleary eyed, and was greeted by my tired looking reflection in my closet mirror: hair wild from tossing and turning in my sleep, my posture slumped- something Trina would no doubt tell me off for- and my heavy lidded eyes blinking back at me. So much for being a morning person, but I guess after so long without getting any proper sleep, too busy caught up in worries over a certain dark haired girl, it's all bound to catch up with you in the end.

My mouth twitched into a smile; Jade. There was nothing to worry about there anymore; at least, I hoped there wasn't. This past weekend had felt like a dream, a page out of somebody else's life, something I had only hoped for and never believed I would get. But it was all real and was still happening, maybe even at school now.

To say I was nervous about telling Andre and Robbie would be an understatement. Sure, they're our friends and I'd like to think they'd accept us no matter what, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a lot to get your head around: Tori Vega and Jade West, the two girls who are supposed to hate each other, constantly fighting and trying to outdo the other, are now dating? It still sounds weird to me, and I'm involved.

I get myself ready for school, racing to the shower and only just managing to beat Trina to it, taking extra long just to annoy her; her banging on the door and whining about ruining her morning beauty routine are easy to ignore under the sound of the pouring water and my obnoxiously loud shower singing, which I did just to bug her further. She got her own back, though, when she shoved her way into the bathroom as I was on my way out and slammed the door, causing the corner of my towel to get caught and stuck. After several minutes of tugging and shouting at my sister for being a moron, I gave a vicious pull, just as Trina re-opened the door to yell at me for yelling at her. I tumbled backwards and fell on my butt, sprawled all over the floor, groaning at the impact.

"That is so unladylike, Tori." Trina said, her hair dripping all over the floor where her head was poking around the door frame.

Blushing, I growled at her, adjusting my towel securely around my body before storming off as dignified as my bruised behind would let me, back to my room to get dressed, keen to avoid her for the rest of the morning so there was no more stupid incidence like that one.

"So, what are you and your new little girlfriend going to do?" Trina asked an hour later- making us late leaving- when she finally finished getting ready at the house and began to drive us to school, still putting lip gloss on, and watching her reflection in the rear view mirror.

"What, about school?"

"No, about which one of you wants to become the new Pope, of course about school" my sister rolled her eyes then violently yanked on the steering wheel to stop the car drifting into the other lane.

"Concentrate on the road!" I shrieked, pinching the lip gloss from her grasp and chucking it into the dashboard compartment so she would pay attention.

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