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walking around for the billionth time for the day i sigh and just allow myself to fall to the ground. i have been locked in this room the past week and i am finally going insane. i refuse to talk to john or the guards and the only person who is allowed in my room other then them is the elderly lady who brings me food and drinks three times a day.

i look over to the chair where the guard normally sits and notice he still isnt back. i have three guards outside the room currently all because the guard who sits in with me had to leave on important business. i decide that i need to lose some frustration so i go over to the window. John had someone put bars on the outside of the window so i couldn't escape. but the windows open inwards so i can enjoy the fresh air. opening it up i look around at the large filed. no one is on it today but other days i can watch young and old guys fighting hand to hand before running into the forest that i maybe 100 meters away from the house and disappearing. i decide because no one is around that i am going to yell. i know no one will hear me because we are a long way away from anywhere. i scream at the top of my lungs. smiling at how it felt. i grab my water bottle and start drinking my water when i notice all three guards are in my room staring at me. i decide for once to just speak "am i not allowed to get built up frustration out? i am stuck in this room twenty- four hours a day with no outside contact other than the nice old lady" i growl out angry that they think they can just walk in here. they bow there head and walk out.

waking up from my nap i look at the chair and notice John is sitting on it asleep. i look over at the clock and notice it is already midnight. 'wow i didn't mean to sleep that long' i think to myself i get up and walk around a bit stretching my muscles. i look over at the desk and notice the plate of food, smiling to myself i grab it and start eating like a mad woman this has to be the best part of my day is actually getting to eat. i hear some moaning in the corner of the room and look over at John questionable. what is up with him? i think to myself as he moans in his sleep making me laugh out loud. "oh Ashley" i snap my head up again at my name, is he having a sex dream about me?

i watch john carefully for a few hours only half pie heading. i look up again and notice that John is waking up. i grab my pad full of paper and quickly scribble down 'what are you doing in my room?' once he is awake and looks over at me i sure him the piece of paper. he starts scratching his neck in thought. his face pouting every so while making him look so cute 'wait cute, no' i think to myself, john cant be cute he kidnapped me but only if my mind would only listen to that. "i couldn't sleep and knew you had no one in here looking after you. i must have fallen asleep while i was watching you sleep. how long have you been awake" he asks i quickly start writing once again 'been up since midnight, guessing you had a good dream and didn't you know it was creepy to watch someone sleep even my guard doesn't watch me sleep he plays on his phone or sleeps himself' i lift the piece of paper up and he goes bright red. "i was talking in my sleep wasn't i?" he asks me i just nod laughing at his reaction. he jumps out of his seat and rushes at me i stop laughing as he pins me to the bed and starts sniffing my neck. "you are so beautiful you know that. i dont understand why i didn't do this earlier" he smiles out i look at him confused when he starts kissing my neck i start to scream not wanting him to rape me like my dad used to. i hit my hands against his chest only for him to pin them above my head and to bite into my neck making me scream in pain before passing out.


author note

well, that is another chapter done and dusted. we are 5 chapters done which is awesome next week is my 16th birthday so my question for the day is how old will you be on your next birthday?

word count: 775

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