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i stare at the handsome man in front of me, while he may be sleeping that doesn't stop me from admiring his charming looks i slip out of bed and head towards the hallway door. while John doesn't think i am ready to meet the rest of the pack i am starving and he needs his sleep. i sneak out tiptoeing out of the room and shutting the door as quietly as possible as to not wake him up. i stop at the staircase and listen into the room and notice many different voices but that doesn't matter much. i rush down the stairs trying to not be noticed when i hear chatter to my right "isnt that a human?" i hear one person say another starts speaking "she smells of the alpha, do you think she's a hunter?" another asks i hear someone else join the conversation as well "could she be the alphas mate? i mean that's impossible, right? shes human he would kill her on the spot and if he didn't then he must just be playing with her until he does" i shrug it all off and rush into the kitchen making note that i need to find the girls and work out what is going on.

reaching the kitchen i notice ginger eating some smoked salmon "what are you doing up? there are pack members everywhere" she growls out jumping off the contour top she was sitting on and in front of me "i was hungry" i comment she nods "its not safe for you to be down here until John tells them" ginger comments while making me some food while still being on guard "tell them what" i muse really intrigued about this conversation "that your a human and his mate" she smiles at me "what does that have to do with anything?" she looks at me like I'm a baby. "because he kills any human who steps foot onto the pack grounds.. he's the most ruthless alpha out their who hates humans" i nod kind of shocked at her words. does that mean he will kill me?

"he's on his way down" ginger smiles at me making me roll my eyes. "and here is your sandwitch" i think ginger just as the kitchen is slammed into by no other than John "what do you think you are doing off the floor?" he questions i smile "i was hungry and didn't want to wake you" i muse out biting my lip. i watch as his shoulders go limp and his whole look softens "its not safe, come on bring your food were going back to our room" he sighs out running his hands though his hair making me melt, he sniffs me and rolls his eyes "you're really going to get horny" he laughs out i go bright red realizing now he can smell that i just giggle out innocently.

as we walk back up to the room everyone stopped to stare at us making me get really anxious. before long we were up into our room and i had already finished my sandwich. i look over at John as he took his shirt off obviously about to get changed but something in me snapped and all of a sudden i longed for his touch.

*sex ahead*

i bite my lip almost moaning, what has gotten into me this isnt normal not for me or anyone i think to myself. i watch as John turns around showing his perfect six pack i moan again wanting to trace my fingers down his body. "like what you see?" john questions me i just nod wanting so badly for him to be inside me, as in sensing what was going on with me he starts to stalk over i lay back biting my lip needing him to touch me. i had read in a book that female wolfs would go though heat every now and then until mated but there was nothing in the book about humans.

i grab his hair with my hands kissing him desperately trying to show him what i want as if sensing that i need him he jumps on top of me and starts kissing down my neck and nibbling on a spot above my collar bone making me curl my toes he looks at me "you sure about this" i nod not able to find any words for what i was expiring soon enough i feel his teeth in my neck making me shiver in delight and moaning out in pure pleasure. he looks at me in shock "you're not tired?" i just shake my head, am i supposed to me tired. i flip us around which wasn't very easy and start undoing his belt buckle "you need to rest" John smiles at me i just shake me head "no i need you" i groan out without argument he flips us back around and starts to take off all my clothing entering me gently before gaining speed.

after i dont know how long of him drilling me we finish off at the same time me out of breath not even knowing if i can stand up and him looking very happy but tired.

*sexual part over*

i yarn now feeling extremely tired "sleep, you did more mating in one day then most wolves do in a week" i just nod before falling asleep.

waking up i notice a small figure laying on my now clothed body, i open my eyes and see Becca smiling at me "you're out of hospital i see" she smiles back at me and nods "yep, my new daddy brought me in here" i smile but then realize what she said "huh?" i question she smiles "well he said he was going to ask you but i couldnt hold it in, you guys, if you argree, are going to adopt me" i smile at becca jumping on my stomach in excitment "well i will have to talk to him but i would love to be your new mummy" she smiles and gets off me and jumps all over the bed making me laugh "good morning" i smile as john enters the room "were adopting becca?" i question making him laugh "sweetie it was meant to be a surprise" she just smiles at him, not a care in the world "i know but i couldnt hold it in" he just smiles back at her "go on run along and explore" he smiles at her she just nods and start to run out of the room. "i agree we can adopt her" i smile at john he smiles back. "i have a meeting today so can you please sta in here until it's done?" he askes it more as a question than a demand "of course, i may get some more sleep anyway" he nods kissing my head before running out of the room.

i wake up with a start to see a bunch of what i assume to be guys towering over me "he quiet now" one of them whispers to me before i am dragged out of bed.


authors note

ohhh i left it on a cliff hanger :) what did you all think of this chapter? question of the day plain or flavored water?

word count: 1183

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