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6 years later

Alyssa pov

"mummy, mummy" my twins scream at me making me laugh "yes my sweets" i smile out making them love "Becca hit me" little Jane yells out "did she" i question hands on my hips "no she didn't" little Jacob screams at her "now, now kids, why are you yelling?" i smile as John walks in with Becca and her mate Andrew follow in tow "Becca hit me daddy" Jane cries out "did not, i was with Andrew" Becca smiles showing me her mark making me clap in joy "told you" Jacob squeaks making me smile. "enough of accusing eachother i think its time we eat dont you mummy" John smirks making me blush "yes food time" i smile handing each kid a bowl of cereal, pouring coffee for me, John, Andrew and Becca and orange juice for the twins. i then grab the bacon and eggs and lay them out on the table "eat up" i smile out sitting next to my mate rubbing his thigh smirking at his reaction.

who would have though that the broken and abused teenage girl all those years ago would have three kids, a werewolf mate, being a luna of a pack and most of all not be broken and abused anymore? i think back to the morning all those years ago when i finally met John, how not long before i had served his table i was planning my suicide, planning to kill myself the week after to try and get rid of the bad life i was living. yes, i may have been kidnapped but if it wasn't for him kidnapping me i wouldn't be here today with my beautiful family. i look over at the twins having a mini food fight, how much they look like me, its unreal. i look over at Becca, i saved her life and now she's my daughter, she has an amazing mate and will soon bare my first lot of grandchildren. i look at my mate, the feeling of terror i felt when he kidnapped me and even after i gave birth but no matter how much hate i felt for him back then i could never have survived. maybe life isnt so bad after all.


authors note

i just want to thank every single one of you who have read my story, without your support i probably would have never written on here again. this book in total has 12,160 words which is amazing. i do have another book out called Desired Release and i hope you will go check it out. (read down for the description of it) while this book will not have a sequel if enough of you want i can write a book on the twins. I'm sorry if this book disappointed anyone. the last question of the day is done you want a book on the twins

i am going to take a small break from writing on here (to write chapters on the upcoming books) but it shouldn't be too long in the meantime go read some of my other books on here. (just dont judge spelling mistakes etc since back then i was like 14 and younger)

word count: 373

Desired Release

What would you do if you were abused by your own pack? this is the life for seventeen-year-old Millie James. blamed for the death of the beta and his mate Millie is forced to be the pack's omega and punching bag, she is kept weak so she can't escape from them as her sister did. Millie has always dreamed of the day she would meet her mate, hoping that day will mean the ending of her suffering and her one-way ticket out of the pack.

will that be the case? or will she be faced with something so terrible she didn't even see it coming?

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