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it has been a very long week, the little girl i found is still asleep, they had to put her in a coma before of injuries we didn't even know about, she had to have a two-hour surgery because she had internal bleeding and her appendix burst not long after we arrived at the house. i couldn't even imagine what the poor girl had to go though.

i sit up watching as the heart rate monitor spiked. i had moved my room from johns into her hospital room wanting to be the first face she saw when she woke up the girls would randomly pop their heads in to hang with me and see how she was doing but with exams coming up for ginger, Charlie and lass it wasn't very easy.

her eyes start to flutter open. i smile rushing to get her a glass of water. "hey sleepy head how you feeling?" i ask her in a gentle voice when she wakes up, i hand her the water helping her to bring it to her lips "I'm alright, where am i?" she croaks out her voice not wanting to work "you're at my mates packhouse in the hospital wing" i smile at her she just nods not wanting to trust her voice "do you feel up to talking to me and my mate at the moment or do you want to sleep and talk to us tomorrow?" i question she smiles at me "i can talk" i nod grabbing my phone out and texting john. 'shes awake and ready to talk' i dont wait for a reply already knowing he won't, slipping my phone in my pocket again.

not long after i hear the door gently open and John walks in "be nice" i warn him, i dont want her to be scared of us and from past experience, i know how to mean he can be. he kneels down beside her bed "hi hunny, what's your name?" he asks smiling at her she smiles back "my name is Becca" she smiles back "well Becca im john and that's my mate, Ashley. how old are you?" he questions again i can already tell what he is doing, he is trying to get as many answers as possible while not allowing her to realize. "im seven" she looks at me this time "wow you're a big girl" i gush at her she just nods turning back to john awaiting his next question "now Becca i know it may be hard but can you tell me how you ended up all alone in the woods" she nods and tries to sit up.

rushing to her side i help her sit up and get comfortable. "i was at home, my mummy died in childbirth so it was only me and him. i was sitting on the deck watching him train the pack wolves" she pauses a minute and sniffs the air before continuing on "my daddy ran a small pack maybe a hundred wolves so he did all the training of the wolves. i started screaming when i noticed wolves i had never seen before enter the grounds." she stops again to take a sip of her water and wiping some tears away "daddy told me to go lock myself in his office so i ran in as he told me not wanting to be a pain i had already taken his mate away from him, i knew he loved me but i always felt so guilty. i heard screams and after an hour they all stopped, daddy's office didn't have a window so i sat waiting for him to tell me i could come out but he never did, so after awhile i opened the door and went to check what was going on. i saw all of the pack dead surrounded in blood, i saw some other wolves dead maybe 200 or so my daddy was also dead. so i started running not sure were to go but i couldn't stay there alone i can't cook. after a while maybe a few days i got tired not coming across any packs so i took a break, this time i didn't climb a tree i was too tired. when i woke up a wolf was watching me so i started screaming and running again, i knew i as close to a pack i ran right though their territory and no one came to help so i kept running i felt the pack territory change and then i saw you and that's all i remember" she says pointing at me by now her face was covered in tears. i rush over and give her the largest hug saying over and over i am so sorry.

i sat up off the bed realizing she was finally asleep. i look at John and he just looks back "that poor pack" he shakes his head i look at him in confusion "a whole pack dying from rouges is a bad way to go" he tells me i just nod now understanding where he is coming from.


author note

this was kind of just the story of Becca because i needed a filler chapter for what is coming next and you needed to know this to for future parts so yea sorry that is wasn't that great. question of the day is do you have any pets?

word count: 847

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