Chapter 3: Suspicious

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A/N: In case if you haven't known, Luna is my OC. Also, this few first chapters will mostly be in Blue's POV, cause I need him to explain about the wings, which only him can see.

Luna's POV

The teacher just came in, as late as usual. I just saw Blue ran in awhile ago but if would be fun if he actually did trip at the door though. Suddenly, the teacher, whose name is Rose, called Blue up to introduce himself to the class. I look at him and see that he is really nervous. I rolled my eyes and gesturing him to just go up. He saw it and slowly go to the board, his whole body shaking like it's having an earthquake! Well can't blame him. He has bad past experiences with this. He just standing there, shuttering words like "I", "my", "school",... I sighs and went to his spot:"His name is Blue, he just transferred from a private school. No question"-She said quickly then grabbed his hand, dragging him back to his place. After that, the teacher stared at me for a second then started the lesson.

-Le time skip from ya gal Luna-

After one more class, which are the same classes I had with Blue, luckily, I have managed to make him less shuttering and be more confident. What a pain... Now, we are apparently waiting for the third class to end. It's History, one of my most hated subject. I know all of this thing! Jeez, they don't know that I have lived through most of these. I mean, how can they? Snapping me out of my thoughts is the sound of the bell ringing. "Finally!"-I yawn, getting out of the classroom. Blue has already gotten in the cafeteria and chosen a table, obviously wanting to sit by himself. Not on my watch! I immediately went to his table and once again, dragging him to mine. "You gotta make more friends Blue!"-I explained to him. He struggled a bit then gave up on convincing me otherwise.

Blue's POV

What the heck is wrong with this girl?! Today is my first day! How can I be friends with everyone in this entire school?! I took a deep breath and calm myself down. Because of her, I am now sitting at a table filled of strangers, except Luna of course. Wait is that the Dream guy from earlier? Well, I guess that it isn't totally worst. There is only three people that I don't know what now. A skeleton who has an ink splotch on his left cheekbone turned to Luna:"New student?". She nods then continue to eat. After a few minutes, the food was all in her stomach as she said to her friends:"Let's introduced ourselves, you first Kitsu". The fox girl, who I am assuming that is Kitsu, turned to me:"Hi there, I'm Kitsu, a Kistune. Don't call me a fox...". Oh so she isn't a fox, but aren't Kistunes have 9 tails? I opened my mouth to asked but then Luna cut me off:"Foxy(no don't you even dare...)here has a kind of magic to hide 8 tails and left only one. She hides them cause 9 tails are annoying sometimes". So that's why... Kitsu then glared at Luna for a split second, probably cause she called her a fox. Next, her eyes returned to me. She has an aura of neutrality, I can sense some kind of spiritual magic within it. She is maybe the 'go with the flow' kind. Her wings are angel's, with tinted of red and blue at the ends of the feathers. Blue tears, red blood. Sadness and sins.

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As I was thinking, another person speaks up, making me slightly jumped in the process:"The name is Fell

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As I was thinking, another person speaks up, making me slightly jumped in the process:"The name is Fell. I don't care who the heck are you". Okay... Is he trying to act tough or something? Luna then playfully punch Fell in his arm:"Stop pretending Fell. Sorry Blue, he's just trying to be edgy. He is just a big softie inside". Fell's response with a "hey!"while holding his arm. He has a confident, cold and strong aura but I know that he is just trying to hide his real nature. He is sweet, easily to be scared, probably because of his past. Something to do with his family... His wings are angel's but pure red, blood... Sins and damage... Now I have mentioned it, his neck has some kind of leash's mark... I really shouldn't ask him about his family...

This time, I looked at the last guy first before he could bring me out of my thought

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This time, I looked at the last guy first before he could bring me out of my thought. He glanced at me and quickly introduced himself:"H-hi, my name is Lust. P-please don't talk a-about my name...". He seems so scared, why? Is he scared of me? Or is he just shy? Luna then smiles gently, her eyes soften:"Don't worry about him Blue. He's just shy". He indeed has an aura of timidity, and sadness also. His wings are angel's too, with the color theme is purple. Love, broken? Maybe he has bad experiences with love...

After he was done, I too introduced myself:"H-Hi! My name is Blue and I'm new here, if anyone doesn't know"

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After he was done, I too introduced myself:"H-Hi! My name is Blue and I'm new here, if anyone doesn't know". Thanks to Luna keeps rambling for two classes straight, I am not too shuttered anymore, but I don't really want to be grateful that Luna has done that. Next, we just talk about random things about ourselves, it was so much fun and not so awkward like I have thought!

But all fun has to come to an end. The bell rang, signaling that we have to go to our next class. I seem to have every single class with Luna though... How is that even possible? Well, I will have to let it aside and go to my class. Luckily, Luna has passed me both of my lockers numbers and my sports uniform. I wonder how can she be so, i don't know, prepare? She is the only one I can't see wings too, I haven't seen, read or known about any cases of a Seiten that can't see a person's wings. I need to know more about this mysterious girl... But for now... P.E time... Yay....

Words counted: 1058 words

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