Chapter 12: A family's problem

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Third person POV

"Ugh... That was some messed up shit"-Luna groans. "You are the one to say"-Kitsu replies in a sarcastic tone. The hybrid rolled her eyes as she grabbed the SciFell couple and teleported back to the male monsters dorm. The girls then said goodbye to them as they got back to their own dorms. "Can I stay at your room? I'm bored"-The white haired girl asked while her eyes sparkling, obviously is trying to convince her friend. The black haired smiled tiredly at the action:"Sure".

Arrived, Luna literally throw herself onto the bed, exhausted. Kitsu then sat next to her.

"You know Luna, people are going to freak out when they know you kill someone again"-The female Kitsune said softly, trying not to make her friend more irritated. "But they deserve it!"-The girl protests.

"I know, but they won't allow a student in their school to commit murder, idk, 10 times "-The vixen shot back, her words came out harsher than she attended to. Luna's eyes widened, flashing with anger as she immediately grabbed the fox's collar, warm tears started form in her eyes while she greeting her teeth:"I have told you not to mention that!"-Her voice echoes, her grip on The Kistune tightening.

Kitsu was struggling to breath under the hybrid's iron grip. After a short while, she finally managed to choked out the words:"I-I'm s-sorry!". Luna, who was snapped out of her anger, realized what she was doing and let go of her friend and sat down the bed:"I-it's okay... Just don't say that again, it brought back bad memories"-She said while wiping her tears away.

"I don't know what came over me... It wasn't your fault and I know it, you just want to save Fell"-The vixen whispers gently, her eyes filled with guilt.


The Japanese fox saw the nerdy skeleton ran by, a worried and concerned expression on his face. He is heading towards Fell's dorm direction. Curios and a bit scared, she called her best friend and went to check on him.

But when the girls came, it was already too late. Both Sci and Fell were nowhere to be seen; Fell's room was like a battlefield, with bones, splattered blood and his stuff was scattered across the room. "There was a small battle here"-The black haired girl mumbled, inspecting the scene. But there is something in particular that has made her let out a gasp: "Kitsu! Get yo ass over here!". The Kitsune walked to where Luna has standing at and her eyes widened in surprise. "T-This can't be! How could they find him HERE?!"-She shuttered, frozen in shock. "We will find that out later. Now, we need to find them. Maybe they are still in the old place where I found Fell"-Luna exclaimed, trying to calm her foxy friend.

With that being said, the hybrid grabbed Kitsu's shoulder and teleported to Fell's old house. The house was upgraded or something, because it seems much bigger than before, a dreadful aura radiated from it. Pshh, like that is going to stop the two female monsters to save their ships.

Luna teleported herself and Kitsu again, this time they were in the basement. "This is their dungeon or, prison for...slaves"-Luna stated, a bit hesitant. The vixen looks around, fear all written all over her face. This place remind her of her old place, the number one place that she doesn't want to remember.

Then her eyes laid on an all too familiar figure of the scientist skeleton, but is all beaten up and unconscious. She was about to call her friend but the hybrid was faster, rushed to the chamber. Within a second, she already inside then summoned a sharp knife and cut the thick chains with a unimaginable force, making the chains broke easily just like crackers. She lifted Sci's limp body up and exit out of the filthy chamber. She growls slightly:"Those little brats are going to pay for ruining my favorite ship!". "Aren't they older than you?"-The Japanese fox asked, confused. All she got for a response was a playful wink from the black haired.

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