I lost myself in the silence of the day. No one has bothered to check on me and everyone just leaves me alone for some reason. The guards won't speak to me either. So I have wandered the halls until I found a bay window that's large enough to sit in.
I look outside and see a yard that exceeds my expectations. There's a garden that goes for what seems a mile and I can't see the end of the property. Though outside is very lively the workers seem to be enjoying themselves. It actually makes me miss the doctor somewhat. I wonder if he is feeding the experiments properly.
My wardrobe hasn't changed much just a bit more modest now. Even though I still am covered in the masters crest. I sigh loudly in the empty hallway leaving my spot at the window. There's nothing to do in this house. I seem to have some sort of plague today. At least that's how I'm being avoided.
I open a random door and walk in everyone is used to my behavior by now so all the doors are locked that I'm not allowed in. It opens up to a large library that has factual books. Nothing interesting in here I guess I can check the upstairs part. It has really dusty books up hear that make my allergies act up. Sighing I climb up on one of the self's and just lay down on top of it staring at the ceiling.
What feels like an hour passes by until someone opens the door. I hear the footsteps stop at the bottom of the staircase. A voice floats up to me. " Allegra, I've come to fetch you. Master Russell has had a busy day and thinks you should do something other than mope around and find hiding spots."
I jump down from the shelf and head over to where I heard Victor. "Hey Victor, do you think we could go outside?"
"Not today miss he said productive not fun sadly. Though I believe you will enjoy this task." Victor says walking away before I even get down the steps.
I rush to follow him my shorter legs having to speed walk to keep up with his long strides. We enter an office and I see the master working at a desk by a window. He doesn't pay us any attention reading over documents. There's a smaller desk on the far side of the room that he takes me to.
"These are banners that will be used in the next fundraising event we will be holding. The master believes it is pointless but I think they are too plain. Come up with a few designs to have stitched on them and master will pick from them." After saying that Victor bows to the master before leaving the room.
I get a giddy feeling from being able to draw again but it's still to quiet. I start to hum softly while I draw ignoring to occasional groan I hear from the master. Apparently my humming isn't to his liking which makes it all the more fun. My co-worker's used to call me a vixen because I would get on my bosses nerves when the paychecks would come up short. Or if I had a bad client I would point out their rude behavior.
"Will you be quiet I can't read for your noise over here." I jump from his sudden voice behind me.
"It's too quiet for me to work though." I say pouting but still a bit frightened that he could sneak up on me.
"You speak as if your work actually matters. I just have you doing this for my own benefit of wondering if you're going to die from stupidity." He says with a snarl. "I could understand wanting to look outside but on top of an old book self is asking for death.""I can't die unless I take the necklace off you said so yourself." I grumble under my breath.
He snatches the paper from under my hand. "Is this supposed to be me?"
Unconsciously I drew him with a tail and a pair of horns while he was scolding me. Maybe I went a little too far he looks really mad this time. Still it is a bit funny at least I think it is. I just smirk and he then smiles in a demented way. He grabs the pin from my hand and draws something that I can't see because he's blocking the way.
He then moves swiftly and hangs the drawing above the window by his desk. I walk over and look at it causing my jaw to drop. He drew what's obviously me sitting on all fours next to him on a leash. I glare at him and he just looks at me smugly in a challenging way.
"Of course I would keep what my pet made for me." He says in a sing song tune. "I think it captured both of our personalities, pet."
I crinkle my nose at him and go to finish my work. I don't hum this time instead I repeatedly click my pin. After I get about five drawings done I hand them to him and storm out of the room frustrated. How could someone be that much of a jerk seriously to even admit to being evil. Walking out I run straight into someone.
"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I say looking at the person in front of me.
A pale beautiful meek looking lady stands in front of me looking at her feet. Hardly being able to hear her she says to me. "It's fine miss I should have announced myself. I came to check on the master."
"Isabella, come in and have a seat I told you I was fine that you didn't have to come. Your body is too weak to be wondering so carelessly." He comes to her guiding her into the room leaving shocked by his gentleness towards her.
Not really understanding I make my way down to the basement to speak to the doctor. When I walk down the stairs I see him working on a new experiment this one is male with long dark red hair. Strange I wonder if they have dye here I'd like to have a change in color this one is boring.
"Doctor it's me I'm coming in." I say wondering to the table where he has the subject sedated.
I've learned never to sneak up on him if you care for your own life. "Ah, so the master is bored of you already. I thought your spark of life would keep his mind off his dying fiance. Apparently I was wrong how strange but that's something you can learn from too."
"He has a fiance?" I asked appalled by the idea of someone so cruel being with someone.
"Oh yes, very much so it was set up the moment her parents found out she was a girl. The lovely Lady Isabella Luna Carpenter a very fragile dear I can't seem to find her condition." He says in a sad tone.
"I ran into her today before I came to see you." I say dismissively.
"I see no wonder you were able to find your way here. She's the only one able to reach master's cold heart. She really does love him but only has months at most to live." He says placing the bandages over the subject.
"What alterations did you do this time?" I ask changing the subject.
"Oh dear, this is an experiment he's general Frederick Lowell. Just got into a messy fight at the barracks. Stubborn fellow doesn't let anyone work on him but me. Not that I blame him he's the masters war consultant so he knows what goes on around here." He says sitting on one of his swirly chairs.
I join him looking back at the general now noticing his toned body. "Do you have him on steroids?"
"No he'd chop my head off if I even suggested unnatural help for this one." He sighs in dissatisfaction. "He won't even let me give the scrawny brats he trains some."
I feed the experiments before the general even begins to stir. I bring the pillow and blanket from my old bunk. I place his head on the pillow and cover him while I enjoy the mutterings of the doctors as he goes over the notes. I find an apple and start munching on it wondering when dinner will be served up stairs. I start to doze off after I finish the apple.

Under the moonlight
FantasyA young female tattoo artists gets cursed by ancient spirits. The main character is sent to a different world with a curse much greater than hers upon it. There's only one way for her to be free and that is to die. How will she be able to survive? U...