[2]The Lights Are On

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He ran to his home and tried to knock but he couldn't, seeing as how both his hands were occupied at the moment, holding his near death sister. Izuku saw his struggle and knocked violently, using his closed palm to be as loud as possible.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO BANG ON THE DAMN DOOR-" She cut herself off. Mitsuki dropped the phone she was holding and covered her mouth.

Tears brimmed her eyes as she saw the horrid sight of her child. She grabbed her from Katsuki and cried out for her husband. Marisu ran to the noise and his eyes grew with fear. He panicked and grabbed the car keys as quick as his arm could go "Get in the car!" He commanded and hurried them to the car, Izuku included.

"My baby?!?" Mitsuki cried out as she pet Karisu's hair, smearing some blood away and even the light touch had caused some hair to pull out. Mitsuki's hand continued to shake with fear of the worse.

They made it to the hospital in no-time and Marisu jumped out of the car, into the EMERGENCY doors and yelled for help. He gave a brief description of what happened and many nurses came out to aid.

- - - -

"M-mom?" A meek voice called out from the dark room. "Dad?!" She sat up, forcing a sharp sting of pain through her back. "Katsuki?!?" She paniced since she was blindfolded. Her eyes were open under the thin blindfold, but even then all she could feel something wrong.

She bumped into her IV pole and held onto it as she fell, the pole crashing next to her. "Fuck-" She cringed. Everything hurt. "Where the hell is everyone?" She asked herself, still unaware of the needles and patches latched into and onto her frail body. The IV pole began beeping and she panicked, thinking she was in her room and that she had triggered the smoke alarm...again.

"Shut up!" She uselessly shushed it as she picked it up and placed it back, very well knowing that it was a machine and couldn't comprehend anything she could say.

"Okay now...what in the actual hell in on my face?" She asked herself out loud, feeling for the end of the bandage to pull it off. She found it and began to pull. The bandage had been looped around her head 8 times before she dropped it to the floor...but it was still dark. She was confused, seeing as how she was purposely blinking multiple times.

"Why are the lights off?" She questioned before going to turn them on, only to walk straight into a wall.

"Okay, what the fuck?" She began to pat the wall. "This wall wasn't here last time I checked." She said aloud to herself. He heart beat paced a tiny bit faster as she began to panic. Questions filling her head and anxiety feeding her false scenarios. She felt the wall with her hands before she heard feet outside of the room. She couldn't hear much. It all sounded muffled. She just assumed that the bandages were covering her ears so she needed a little bit of time to regain her sense of hearing. She strained her ears before feeling a knob. A door knob. She grabbed it but someone had beat her to it and it hit her nose.

"FUCKING CHICKEN STRIPS!" She clasped onto the bridge of her nose with both hands and feel onto her knees, which brought pain to her tender bruises there. She sucked in a breath quickly and breathed out. "Son of a damn bitch."

"Oh god, I am so so so sorry!" A female voice called out. Karisu could hear the regret and apologetic tone in her voice. "It's alright, and I'll forgive you if you tell me what the HELL is going on here!" She said in an angered tone.

"Hello?" She called out when nobody replied. She stuck out her hand and felt nothing. "Did this girl really just walk out on me while I was talking?!?" She lowered her hand and sighed. "Okay then, I'll just find the light myself." She spat out, now she really was pissed. Was Katsuki playing another sick prank on her? Was the power out? Did they move her to some random,lightless place? She questioned as she felt the walls.

"Hello Miss Bakugo, I'm Doctor Young, please go back to your bed immediately. You aren't ready to stand yet!" An unfamiliar muffled male voice called out.

"Yeah, sure, if I could be informed by what's happenin' then maybe then I'll take a seat!" She said, her voice sounding intimidating but there was still a quiver that was audible.

"You'll be informed as soon as you take your seat. Now please do because you are not fully recovered." He replied, stepping a few steps forward.

"Sure, maybe if you'd turn the damn lights on, then I would actually be able to see the damn bed." She turned to the sound of his steps, but since she still had to strain her ears to hear anything, she was still having trouble. She couldn't tell but she was facing the wall.

One of the nurses that followed him walked inside and made her presence known. "Here, I'll lead you to your bed, Miss." She offered, and with a sigh of annoyance and attitude, Karisu complied.

She was lead to the hospital bed and was pushed down lightly, encouraging her to sit down willingly. "Okay, start talkin'!" She scoffed. "And turn on the lights!"

"Miss, the lights are on..." the nurse said, forgetting that Karisu was blinded by the incident a week ago. "No they're not. Unless I've got something else covering my eyes!" She defended, reaching for her eyes to remove any possible object that lie there.

"You are in the hospital, Miss Bakugo. Your mother was just notified about your waking up and is one her way. Please be patient as we wait for your mother's arrival-"
"WHERE IS SHE?!?" A crazed sounding woman yelled from the reception area. Her spiked ash blond hair bouncing quickly with the rhythm of her quick paced steps.

"Oh my god! KARISU!" She yelled from behind the Doctor. The smaller version of her looked in the direction of her mother and she could hear the sound of worry trailing a in her voice. It struck a pang of worry through her heart. "Mom? What happened?!? Why do you sound scared?!?" She questioned. She suddenly felt a pair of arms surround her. The vibration of cries into her shoulder. "Okay, now your just starting to freak me out, are you okay?!?"

"Baby, the lights are on." She sobbed into Karisu's shoulder, rubbing them and waiting for Karisu's response.

"Wha-wait, What?!?" She said, panic laced into her soft voice. The memories hitting her like a truck.

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