[8]Call me Karisu!

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Karisu ignored the sounds of feet coming through the garden. So many people came in and out and it wasn't exactly a private spot. She continued to read her book but got stuck on a word.

"S-square? No, that's not right! Why would that shape be in a book about a kid stuck in a forest. Squi-real? No, not right." She scratched her head and pushed up her glasses.

"The word is probably 'squirrel'. Is that the book about the kid in the forest? I read that book, just wait until you get to chapter 18!" The stranger commented excitedly. Karisu looked up at the girl with pink hair and skin. She was wearing an unfamiliar school uniform.

Karisu hummed in acknowledgement. "Perhaps, I'm not really used to reading..." she scratched her neck, hoping the girl wouldn't laugh at her.

"I'm not either, but life demands it." She chuckled, taking a seat next to the blond and dropping her stuff onto to grass under them. "I'm Mina Ashido, you can call me Mina!" She smiled, extending her hand out to the blond. Karisu felt her eyebrows furrow for a second before thinking. She hoped that her next action wouldn't offend the girl. She put her pale hand into the pink one and shook.

"Hello Mina!" She smiled, letting her hand go. Mina gave a confused look before letting out a small laugh.

"And your name is...?" She questioned, and Karisu felt her face redden with embarrassment. She scratched her neck and pushed her glasses up her nose.

"O-oh, haha, right! My name is Bakugou Karisu, you can call me Karisu!" She smiled, happy that the girl hadn't made fun of her for mispronouncing that word.

"Okay Karisu. Hey, I don't think I've seen you before, do you live around here?" Mina commented, rubbing her chin. "I mean, I come by here every so often, but I think I'd remember you." She shrugged.

"Yeah, I live around the area, less then thirty minutes from here. I just don't get out too often so..." she put her bookmark into the book before closing it on her lap. "What about you?"

"Me? Well, I go to school over here, so yeah, but my house is a bit far from here," to which Karisu responded with an 'oh'.

"Speaking of school, do you go to Aldera jr. High?" The pinkette asked, noticing how Karisu wasn't in a uniform.

"W-well, uh-" the loud clang of the gate hitting the wall made both girls jump. "Oh crap." Karisu put her book into her bag and stood up.

"KARISU, YOURE SO FUCKIN' DEAD!" Her taller male version yelled into the quiet garden. He walked up to her and grabbed her by her shirt collar. "Do you have ANY idea how much you worried me!?!" He yelled in her face. She simply pushed his face away before cringing.

"Dude, you're breath stinks" she laughed and Katsuki simply growled, dropping her onto her feet. "I'm gonna beat your ass!" He threatened. Karisu shrugged. "You can try,"

"Also, bye Mina, it was nice meeting you!" She waved. The girl sat there with a confused look.

"...What just happened?"

"So, what were you kids up to?" Mitsuki asked, but the twins stayed quiet at the dinner table. Karisu pushed her food around the plate and shrugged.

"Dipshit over here decided to have a field trip without telling anyone." Katsuki commented, angrily shoving food into his mouth. "Watch your language, brat!" Mitsuki yelped before turning to face her daughter.

"And did you go out? Where to?" She asked, before choking for two seconds and asking another question. "DID YOU GO OUT TO MEET A BOY?!" Her eyes glimmered happily as she held her face in her hands.

"What-" she was interrupted. "No, no boys allowed. You're not allowed to have a boyfriend until you're thirty!" Masaru said confidently, going to take a sip of his drink.

"HA! It's not like any boy would have such low standards to think of Kari as attractive!" Katsuki laughed. Karisu turned red with fury as she stood up and pushed her brother in his chair, sending him on his back to the ground. "You're such a dumb piece of shit! We're twins so you just insulted yourself too, idiot!" She yelped as her twin grabbed her wrist and brought her tumbling to the ground. She held onto his wrist and twisted it as she fell, making her brother activate his quirk. He landed a light explosion on her chest before she dug her elbow into his stomach. "Oof." He sounded before clutching his self. Karisu stood up and gave a laugh of victory as her twin curled onto his stomach and groaned loudly. "Ugh, I'm gonna barf"

"Good! Serves you well!" Karisu stuck her tongue out before getting back into her chair and devouring a spoonful of food.
Having nothing to do to pass the time, Karisu rested on her bed with her phone on her stomach and headphones playing soft music. Her brother had left for school a few hours prior, and her parents were off to work again; so she didn't have anyone to fill her feeling of loneliness. She sighed heavily, sitting up on her comfortable bed, the action dropping her phone onto the floor. She bent down to grab her phone and wondered if she could grab the phone without having to physically grab it. She thought for a second before remembering about the junk her father had in the garage. She pictured some kind of robotic arm with materials she had a home. She thought for a moment and remembered her father's junk in the garage. Standing with a confident smile, she ran down stairs to reach the garage quickly, only to slip on the final stair due to her socks not having any friction on the wooded ground.

Laughing at herself, she slammed the door open and began rummaging through her father's boxes of abandoned electronics.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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