[3] I Missed Colour

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The ash blond looked at the mirror as she dressed, enjoying the color. She missed being able to see color. She missed being able to see in general.

She had another few weeks before she could go back to a normal life. Three weeks before she could leave her home again. Three weeks until she would be cleared to go back to public school. She's going to use these few weeks to learn how to read again. These few weeks to get used to talking to other people. And more than another few weeks to get accustomed to looking at her twin brother. Especially in the eyes.

The incident had broken their relationship. They weren't as close as they once were. He never could look at her face, even though he could see in general. Whenever he had to communicate with his younger sister, the memory of him blinding her filled his eyes. He would talk to her, sure, but he could never bring himself to have a decent conversation with her. She had a specially made phone, complementary from Izuku, that could say the text messages once they were sent and received, but only if there were headphones connected. There's also a feature on the phone that could make the sounds of Morse code. A high pitch and low pitch to differentiate the beeps. She figured out how to learn it when she was bored out of her mind. She also learned brail.

Also, because of Katsuki getting used to his quirk much earlier than his twin, his ears and eyes became accustomed to bright flashes and loud shots, but his sister's didn't. She was partially deaf after the incident and it only got worse until she played with her quirk. Within the week that she started practicing her quirk, her hearing returned to normal. But even then, it was too late to save her eyesight.

She was so depressed when she had more control over her quirk because she couldn't even see it. She got used to controlling it fairly quickly, noting how her quirk was similar to her father's, but she could control it, unlike him. But unlike Katsuki, who could activate his quirk willfully, she needed some force to start it up. From sliding her fingers together to clapping, she could activate her quirk. But she had less of a limitation to her quirk.

Her and her brother's sweat were similar to nitroglycerin, that's the reasoning behind the explosions, she could produce explosions from everywhere on her body, not just the palms of her hands like her brother. She doesn't fully understand from which points in her body could make explosions, she just knows she can make small ones on her elbows, neck, and shoulders, and of course, explosions from any range on her palms.

She walked closer to the mirror until her nose was touching it, and stared into her eyes The mirror making a *clink* as her glasses bumped into it. Her eyes hadn't been as bright as they once were. Her iris was still black but the once shade of blood red turned into a light pink, surrounded by the black thin ring. The doctors said it was only temporary and the discoloration would go away naturally within the next month or so. She sighed, missing the blood red that once painted her eyes five years ago. She missed her looks. She looked so...different. So...not herself. Her face felt like it wasn't hers. Her face changed, along with her...body. She had a whole different body from when she was nine, the last time she really did look at herself.

She closed her eyes and let a tear run from her eye. She didn't even remember herself. The time had passed so quickly. She thought "oh god, what's the humor nowadays?" and it made her chuckle. Unlike her brother, she actually had a sense of humor. She would quote they funniest thing she could at the right moments and it would make anyone laugh.

She looked at her closet and smiled. Her mother bought her a bucketful of clothes, ranging from the rainbow colors to branded clothing. She cringed a bit at the bright orange shirt she wore. She still wasn't accustomed to anything bright, which is why she prefers to keep her room lights dim. She could see with the room lights on but she still needs shades to be outside with the natural sunlight to become accustomed to bright lights once again, as to not get blinded every time she stepped foot anywhere bright.

Her new phone made a *ping*, alerting Karisu of a notification. She had got that phone two days prior, her mother making her get used to having a popular model phone. She walked to her bed and picked up her phone. 'Hurry up, brat. I gotta go to the store and I'll leave without you!' Her mother texted. Karisu smiled forcefully, a pang in her heart when she only understood half of the words out of the whole phrase. She kept her forced smiled as she tried to comprehend what her mother was trying to tell her before her phone began to ring. A call. She answered when she saw her mother's face on the caller identification.

"Hey mom, I'm a bit confusion at what you texted. What'd ya want, hag?" She asked, her mother smiling from her spot in her car seat.

"I said get your ass into this damn car. I need to get dinner and want you to come with." She replied, happy that Karisu was becoming less secluded. She was talking a lot more and had even got in a verbal fight with her mother and brother.

"Alright, gimme a sec!" She said before she hung up. She grabbed her bag and sunglasses before she ran out of her house, locking the door behind her. She saw her mom pullout of the driveway, which motivated her to run faster.

"I TOLD YOU TO FUCKIN' WAIT HAG!"  Karisu yelled playfully, her mother scoffing back jokingly. "I fuckin' told you to hurry!" She said before turning on the radio, beginning the car drive to the market. She took off her glasses and switched them with the prescription sunglasses.
"Mom, what the hell are you listening to?" Karisu question, the look of distaste decorating her face. He nose was scrunched up at her noticeable scar.

"What kind of look is that?!? This is what you teenage fuckers listen to nowadays!" She defended, changing the radio station. "Thank god you don't like that shit because I honestly was about to rip off my damn ears!" She exaggerates by pulling on her earlobe.

"Mom, oh my god!" Karisu laughed, knowing that she just offended so many people without them knowing. Not that she cared though.

Her mother parked the car and killed off the engine. "Get your ass out here!" She exclaimed before the younger Bakugou groaned in protest. "I'll watch the car, ya know. Make sure it doesn't grow legs and run away-" she got cut off.

"It wasn't a suggestion , now hurry up kid!" Mitsuki commanded, slinging her purse over her shoulder. She turned to Karisu who was obviously fake sleeping and scowled. She went to the other side of the car, to the passenger seat and pulled Karisu out by her ear. "Ow ow ow ow ow ow!"

She fell out, hitting her knees onto the ground. "The hell was that for, fuckin' Hag?!?" She argued. "I fucking told you to hurry up!"

"That fucking HURTED!" She yelled out, rubbing her scraped skin. Mitsuki started to sassily walk away in the direction of the market and Karisu started to make small explosions from her knees.

"Woah, what he fuck?" She hit and rubbed at her knees in hopes of canceling out the small amount of smoke that emitted from her skin. "Nice, I guess...?" She thought to herself because of her new discovery. 'So I can produce explosions from my knees now?!?" She walked to the market, chasing behind her mom, questioning her quirk all the way.

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