[5] Attack

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A week had passed and not much happened. Her father took Karisu to a book store and let her pick out a few books she could read along with the audio playing in the background. She wanted to learn this way since reading her brother's school brochure and having the audio helped her a lot. She had been able to read a little better after that. She picked two horror, two comedy, and one romance. Her father joked that she wouldn't like the romance book, to which she took as a challenge and told him to buy it. She had a competitive smirk on her face.

Her father had given her the tightest hug and put his large hand in her hair, ruffling it. Her bangs getting messed up and the ends becoming naturally spiked. She was happy again and had the best of laughs. She was admittedly a daddy's girl, but she didn't mind. Her father spoiled her with love, not that he didn't love Katsuki too. It's just, Karisu was his favorite of the two. Just like Katsuki was Mitsuki's pick. Both parents and Karisu knew that he was a momma's boy. But it's not like he'd ever admit that.

At the moment, Karisu was working on fixing the microwave. She was so invested in reading her second book that she failed to remove the spoon from her plate of last night's leftovers before putting it in. And when she heard the familiar sound of an explosion coming from the microwave, she panicked and opened it, letting the smoke seep out and hit the sensor. It began to warn her with an unnecessarily loud alarm. She shushed it uselessly and yelled 'I know there's fucking smoke, shut the fuck up already!' before groaning in frustration. She ended up throwing her shoe at it, breaking it and sending the cover and alarm to the ground. A few cables hanging out like octopus tentacles. When she grabbed the small box that was the cause for the loud alarm, she grabbed it and tried to shut it off, but it didn't have a switch. She wrapped it in a kitchen towel and shoved it into a cabinet. It muffled the sound and was barely audible. She sprinted to the window and opened it, cold, fresh air replacing the smoke. When she turned to the microwave, she caught the glimmer of a reflection. She made some explosions, sounds of crackles and pops the only things audible besides the muffled alarm as she used it to dimly light up the kitchen and saw Katsuki there with his phone pointed at her, recording.

It was 2 in the morning and she didn't have the energy to fight him. She simply rolled her eyes before unplugging the microwave and taking it up to her room. Katsuki chuckling like a teenage girl spying on her crush, and she let him know what he sounded like. He stopped chuckling, and Karisu could swear she saw smoke coming from his ears.

"Just connect this here and...There!" She smiled, connecting the circuit. She plugged it into the wall and moved a couple wires around. She presses a couple buttons and was ecstatic when the machine responded.

"Fuck yeah!" She whispered, putting her plate of ice cold leftovers into the microwave, removing the spoon. She left the microwave unplugged before walking out back into the kitchen, tools in hands. She grabbed the muffled alarm that was still being a pain in the ass in the cabinet and picked up a wire.
"Good thing I don't have anything to do in the morning."

"Karisu, we need to grab your school uniform for next week-what the fuck happened to you?!?" Mitsuki asked, Karisu looked half dead. "Did you seriously sleep through that shit?" She questioned, looking at the smoke alarm and microwave that she fixed and placed back into their original spots. She put them back and made sure the kitchen looked normal.

She banged her head onto the table and let out a muffled yell. Both her parents looked at each other and laughed. Katsuki even let out a chuckle of amusement. Marisu patted Karisu's hair before going back to eating his breakfast, unfazed.

Katsuki stood up and grabbed his bag from the floor and waved,"Later." before leaving out the door. Karisu gave a simple wave back as he left. "Okay well, I should get going now too." Her father said, standing and putting his plate in the sink. He walked back to the table and gave his wife a simple sweet kiss and tried to kiss Karisu's head, but she jolted away. "GET THEM DIRTY ASS LIPS AWAY FROM ME DAD! YOU JUST KISSED MOM-" she was cut off by getting a smack to her head, before being kissed on the sore spot.

"There! Stop being so damn grumpy!" Her father joked, giving a laugh that intermingled with Mitsuki's laugh. Karisu only turned her head and gave a pout."Hmp" she gave before she smiled at him. "Kay, have a good day." She said taking a swig of her orange juice.

He let out the door promptly after that. She finished her food and went to wash the dishes. She didn't have anything better to do. Having finished up, she dried her hands before going up to her room. Laying on her bed and picked up her last book. She finished reading the other four and this was the most simple worded book out of them all and she wanted to read it without listening to the audio. She had become a lot better with reading and could read on her own now, unless the words were to long or confusing, like the word pterodactyl that messed her up on multiple occasions.

She read until a thought crossed her mind and she tried to shake it out. 'Will I be made fun of if they find out I can't read at my grade level?' And it eventually became quite prominent in her mind that she put had the book down after reading the same sentence 9 times because she couldn't focus on it. She sat up on her bed, throwing her legs over the edge.

'Will I? Will they make fun of me because of the scar on my nose? Because my eyes loosing their color? Because I went blind for a few years? Because I haven't had a normal education since I was nine?'She began to hyperventilate. Her vision became blurred with tears and her heartbeat sped up. Her chest felt like it was getting tighter. She couldn't breathe. 'Will they think Katsuki as a villain?!?' Her chest felt like it was crushing her at the thought.

"M-mom!" She whispered, she couldn't find the energy to scream. She began to cry and it gradually grew into a sob. "mo-MOMM!' She finally found her voice again. She herd steps run up the stairs and tried to control her breathing to no avail. Her mother opened the door with such force it bounced back from the wall. She moved to her child and hugged her, shushing her and cradling her. Karisu's head in her mother's shoulder as she continued to cry. The presence of her mother calming her and she felt like she could breathe again.

"It's alright brat, it's going to be okay! What happened? Where's the blood?" She tried joking and she lured a chuckle out of the teen, but I was choked off with sucked in quick breathes. "Breathe" she rubbed her back and kissed the side of her head. She did as told and her labored breathing and vigorous heartbeat returned to normal, but she was still silently crying. Her chest ached and her vision was still blurred. She removed her glasses and rubbed away the tears. "What happened?"

Karisu had told her mother why she had another panic attack and they came to an agreement. Since they only had another six months until junior high ended, Karisu would be homeschooled, but only for this year. They agreed that she would go to a real school for her high school education. Karisu was ecstatic at that since the school she wanted to go to had a low chance of accepting anyone from her middle school. But she did keep in mind the .02% acceptance rate at the school she was signing up for. She had a backup school that incase she didn't get accepted into U.A. high, It wasn't a hero school but it wasn't a shitty school either. She called it a school where it's mandatory to hold a stick up your ass.

After that conversation, she was happy that her mother wasn't forcing a new environment on her. She went into the garage where there was a load of junk and she picked out her Dad's old broken computer before she started messing with it. She was halfway done with fixing it before the garage door flew open, a male version of her stared at her. He wore workout clothes and had a bottle in one hand and his phone in the other.

"Go change, dumbass. I'll give you five minutes before I leave." He said blandly, scrolling on whatever he was on. Karisu smiled, recalling how she told him that he would suck at helping her train. He obviously took it as a challenge so now here they are. She ran past him into her room and changed into some sweatpants and a tank top, grabbing her phone and water bottle as she ran out the door to where her twin was beginning to run away. She set her watch and began trailing after him, a deathly grip on the bottle.

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