[4] BET

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After they shopped at the market, Mitsuki was in the kitchen, heating up the pots as Karisu put the groceries away.

"So watcha makin' mom?" Karisu asked, closing the fridge as she put the milk in its spot. "Spicy curry. Why?"

"Uh...do you think you can make me one of dad's mild curry? I'm not really feeling like eating spice right now." She rubbed the back of her neck. "What? You love spicy food! Who the fuck are you and what have you done to my brat of a child?!?" She grabbed a plastic plate and took a fight stance to further in the joke.

"Ok, chill out hag! So uh,...thanks and later then!" She said before pacing up the stairs, putting her earbuds into her ears and playing some random playlist of classical music or some thunderstorms. She falls to sleep with that.

Her mildly calloused palm handling the rail leading up the stairs, instinctively closing her eyes. She opened her eyes back up and looked at the hallway. Her brother's door was open and she was going to literally do nothing all day so she decided to be an amazing little sister and snoop around his room. First thing she saw was his unlocked laptop, some scattered papers on his desk, his undone bed, and a board with organized flyers pinned onto it. The papers were organized from things he had to do now to later. She walked closer to it and analyzed the papers.

'U.A. ENTRANCE EXAM FEBRUARY 26TH!' It read. She scratched her head and kept her tears from falling from her eyes. "I'm so fucking stupid...what kind of fourteen year old doesn't know how to goddamn read?" She asked herself, feeling anxiety pulling at her heartstrings. She tried spelling it out and saying it, practicing reading. She felt like a kindergartner trying to read this.
"Een-tran-cee eex-am Feb-brerry? Oh fuck this!" She cursed at herself before pulling out her phone from her back pocket and entered the letter in consecutive order. Getting the device to say it aloud. "Entrance exam February".

"At least I was close enough." She shrugged. "U.A.? Is that the quirk school Katsuki wants to go to? What's so special about this school compared to others?" She questioned herself. She entered the name into her phone and pressed search, getting instant hits on the 'hero school' that was so popular.

"Oh fuck! They have a fucking .02% acceptance rate! Why does he want to get into this impossible school?!?" She squealed, knowing that Katsuki had an ego that was bigger than his forehead but he's really shooting for the sky, huh?

She turned to the desk that had papers scattered all over and one on top caught her eye. It was a brochure and she looked into it, skimming through what she could to try to put things together. She looked over the official website of the school and looked over it, pressing the brochure page, knowing which one it was because she had gotten a bit familiar with the word and the simple letters of it. She inserted her earbuds and pressed on the audio option to listed through this.

She placed the stuff back into place, voiding the place of any indication she had been there, but she did take the brochure. She listened to the audio and read along the pamphlet, familiarizing herself with some words. She sat herself on her bed.

"Hey Katsuki! Watcha been up to? I haven't seen your bitchass all day?" Karisu interrogated her brother, holding an innocent look to her face. "None of your fucking business, shithead!" He responded. "Nice, cool, okay so-" "I knew you fuckin' wanted something." He growled but that didn't scare Karisu away. She knew he wouldn't hurt her. At least, not with his quirk. Not after that day. She shook the thought out of her head, flicking his head.
"ow What The Fuck? YOU LITTLE SHIT-"

"KATSUKI! KARISU! SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE BRATS OR ILL SHUT YOU UP MYSELF!" Their mother yelled from her room. Both twins rolled their eyes before continuing their nagging.

"Okay, but seriously, I have a couple questions about that U.A. High!" She exclaimed, pushing her glasses up her nose. She became interested when she read about the support classes. She was super good with making gadgets and fixing stuff up, even as a 4 year old. When she was 7, she make a rout television out of an old computer and spare parts. Of course, Izu-kun helped her with the router but she made the tv herself. She had even introduced the idea of the Morse code and audio messaging phone to Izuku and had even started it, but with a certain...incident...Izu-kun had to finish it on his own.

"The fuck? Since when did you wanna go to a hero school?" Katsuki asked, confused. When she was blind, he had introduced the idea of the school to her in multiple occasions but she always cringed at the idea of going to a 'stuck up pristine school'.

"You always said it was a hero school, you never said anything about the support classes!" She exclaimed, getting excited about that.

"You havfta train a shit-ton to even pass the entrance exams. And seeing how your a weak little shit, you'd be better off going to some shitty high school." Katsuki laughed, trying to motivate her to signup for the entrance exams.

"Fucking bet! I'll get FIRST FUCKING PLACE AT THE EXAMS! I'LL BE FIRST TO GET INTO U.A. AND YOU'LL GO TO SOME SHIT SCHOOL!" She began to challenge him. Katsuki knew her damn well enough to get her interested in the school. He knew he just tricked her into signing up for the hero course, but he was happy. His chest filled with pride for his sister, hoping that she'll get into the hero course as well, but he was him. He'd never admit that!


Suddenly, quick footsteps approached the older teen's room as they both shut up.


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