𝔹𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕖 (Markhyuck)

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I wanna be a billionaire so freakin' bad.
Buy all of the things I never had.

Genre: Fluff
Pairing/s: Markhyuck
Word count: 1704 words
Additional note: happy birthday to haechan! hopefully he'll have a great birthday ^^ also DNYL was great


"I," Donghyuck panted, "am tired."

"Sorry," Mark puffed out, tired as well.

"Why did we even think this was a good idea?"

"I'm pretty sure we missed the shop too..."

"Goddammit," Donghyuck wheezed, "I knew we shouldn't have raced to a shop that we have no idea where it is."


The two are laying on the grass, gasping for air as they have ran around the town for what seems like eternity. Being a bunch of kids, they thought it was a good idea to run without knowing where the shop is.

Johnny had asked Mark to get an item that he had bought online, in which Mark told him to get it himself. As it turns out, Mark is now getting it for him.

Not wanting to be alone, Mark asked Donghyuck to come with him, and the younger complied without any complaints.

Well, right now he's complaining.

"How come you don't know where the shop is at?" Donghyuck asked, still panting from the race they had.

"He didn't tell me," Mark said, "and he won't pick up the phone."

"Well, call him again." Donghyuck huffed.

Mark hums in agreement and takes his phone out. After unlocking his phone, he taps on Johnny's contact number then tapped on the call button.

While waiting for Johnny to pick up the call, Donghyuck then rolls closer to Mark.



"TELL US WHERE THE SHOP IS!" Donghyuck shrieked, making Mark almost drop his phone in surprise.

"Ow! Bro-"

"Don't you 'bro' me when we're dating." Donghyuck deadpanned.

"Hyuck?" Johnny said, "that was loud as hell."

"Yeah. Anyway, do you know where the shop is?" Mark asked, still exhausted from all the running.

"You sound tired," Johnny laughs. "How long have you been looking?"

"Since forever," Mark replied, "now please tell us where the shop is."

"Remember that coffee shop that we always go to?" Mark hums in response. "Yeah, it's just next to that shop."

"Alright," Mark sighed. "I've been trying to call you earlier ago, what took you so long?"

"I was taking a shower," Johnny said, "right now I'm na-"

Mark hangs up the call. "Looks like I know where it is now."

"I need some rest first," Donghyuck said, "I need to save up some energy for my birthday."

"Oh yeah, your birthday's coming up soon." Mark said, "are you going to do anything for your birthday?"

"Stay up watching a bunch of series that I missed out on," Donghyuck paused. "With you."

𝙉𝘾𝙏/𝙒𝘼𝙔𝙑 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now