Fool (Jaeyong)

994 22 4

The halo above your head now Is it real?
That's what I'm curious about.

Genre: Fluff
Pairing/s: Jaeyong
Word count: 1936 words
Additional note: happy birthday to taeyong! hopefully he has a great time! also there's swearing in this fic so whoop-


"So," Doyoung slams his drink on the table with a deadpanned look on his face. "You're telling me that you met this cute guy at work and the best pick-up line you could think of was that?" Doyoung said with disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that." Taeyong looks away from Doyoung's eyes, embarrassed at what he told his best friend. "My mind was a mess."

"You're a mess." Doyoung pointed out. "How did he react?"

"He just chuckled and paid for his drink." Taeyong sips out of his drink, recalling the memory. He remembered how flushed his cheeks were when his words slipped out, and the adorable smile on the man's face.

"Fuck, he's got dimples too." Taeyong mumbled as he starts to space out.

"Hey," Doyoung starts, "he's a regular customer, right? Maybe you can have another shot at this."

"I hope so," Taeyong pouted.

"Come on, he wasn't grossed out right? Surprisingly."

Taeyong shoot a glare at Doyoung. "Well, no."

Doyoung patted Taeyong's shoulder. "Don't worry, even if you fuck up next time, I'm sure he'll be cool with it. Probably."

"Thank you for your words of encouragement." Taeyong sighs.

"What's his name anyway?" Doyoung asked, taking a sip of his own drink.

"His name is..." Taeyong pauses as he takes his time to remember the customer's name. As seconds pass by, he realizes that he doesn't know.

"...You don't know?" Doyoung looks at Taeyong with disbelief again. "Don't you ask about customers' names?"

"I do, but..." Taeyong scratches his head, a sheepish smile forming in his face. "I forget about their names after."

"Oh my god," Doyoung massages his temples as he couldn't believe what he heard. "You find him cute yet you don't bother to remember his name?"

"I got distracted," Taeyong shamefully looks away from Doyoung again, refusing to look at him in the eyes.

Doyoung sighs, a sign that he's going to let this issue go. "Well, when's your next shift? If he comes next time, you better remember his name."

Taeyong looks at his phone, checking for his schedule. The moment he saw that his next shift was tomorrow, excitement was bubbling up inside him and Doyoung doesn't need to know what Taeyong is smiling for.

He hopes the customer comes tomorrow.


Taeyong taps his fingers on the counter, time slowly going by as he watches customers enjoy their time in the cafe. Today wasn't that busy and Taeyong's thankful for it. Despite how much patience he has, he likes how less stressful today was.

Honestly, Taeyong wasn't expecting much today. Nothing special happens much in the cafe, and while there may be a few funny scenes here and there, Taeyong doesn't think of it. Seeing how busy the customers seem, Taeyong takes this as a chance to study for a test he has next week.

𝙉𝘾𝙏/𝙒𝘼𝙔𝙑 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now