Chapter 4

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I wish that this day could be washed away from my memory, forever. Or if maybe there was a time machine, I would go back and undo all the things that happened. This should not have happened. It has made me confused to no extent. Confused with regards to my feelings, which should have been in my full control. But after today, I doubt that my heart will ever work according what my brain tells. THIS SHOULD JUST NOT HAVE HAPPENED.

Confused? I bet not as much as I am. Let me tell you what happened today.


I woke up on the left side of the bed, which was weird because I always sleep on the right side and even wake up on the same side, always. But the moment I saw his sleeping face, all that thought of waking up on the wrong side vanished away and a small smile crept on my face. This has got to be the best way to wake up. I kept on looking at him in awe. He looked like a child and his face was so calm. He was spooning Walter and cuddling him in a very protective way. They both seemed so much at peace right now that I didn't want to wake them up and spoil the scene in front of me. My eyes went over the side table, where my phone was resting. I picked it up and quietly clicked a picture of them. Suddenly, my alarm went off, scaring the day lights out of me. I quickly shut it off and sighed. Then, I saw Walter stirring and waking up, mumbling something. But it was Stephen who opened his eyes first. And what made me giddy was that I was the first person whom he saw.

"Good Morning kiddo."

OH MY GOD. His morning voice was enough to make me orgasm. It was so damn sexy. And him calling me kiddo was endearing in a way.

"Good Morning bunny." I smiled.

He stretched out his arms above his head with a groan and I saw his other hand under Walter's head, serving a pillow.

"Should we wake him up as well?" I asked while getting up and yawning.

"Depends. What time is it?"

I turned my head towards the side table to see the table clock.

"It's 6.45."

"It's better that we don't wake him up before 7. He gets very cranky and moody like a pregnant woman." He chuckled.

"I don't." I instantly turned my head towards the source of the voice and saw Walter shifting his position and lying on his back now. He rubbed his eyes and then opened them, looking around the room to get familiar. And then he yawned.

"Good morning guys."

"Good morning Wally." Stephen and I said at the same time.

"So, I think we will have to make a move if we have to go back home to change and then reach school on time," Stephen said while sitting up and stretching. I had to turn my face away so that I did not literally drool over his flexing muscles.

"Ugh. I don't wanna." Walter whined but made a move to get up anyway.

"Yeah right. Get up fat ass." Stephen stood up and went towards the chair where he had kept his clothes that he wore last night. He then went to the bathroom to change, I guess.

"So, when are you gonna tell him?" I turned my head to see Walter looking at me with a smug smile.

I knew it. I fucking knew it that he knew about me liking Stephen. But I tried playing the innocent card.

"Tell whom what?" I shrugged and yawned.

"Oh don't play dumb with me smartass. I can see the looks you give him. So better agree in front of me and let me help you or else I will be the first person he hears it from."

I Love You, Kiddo. (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now