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7 years later

"Will you stop fidgeting for 5 seconds?" Walter said standing in front of Stephen.

"I am not fidgeting." Stephen mumbled.

"Yeah right. That's the reason I can't get this thing straight. Now stop moving or else I'll call your mom."

That instantly made Stephen stop because he knew how his mom would react. He stood like a small boy agreeing to everything what Walter said. When they were finally done, Stephen sat down with a champagne glass and gulped down the whole drink in a jiffy.

"Ok listen. I know you are nervous but you don't want to be drunk when you go out there." Walter took away the empty glass from Stephen's hand and kept it aside.

"I was just thirsty."

Stephen's right leg had started moving up and down rapidly which was a sign of extreme nervousness.

"Yeah, you have water for that. And dude, stop getting so nervous." Walter put a hand on his legs to stop his leg from moving.

"I don't know man. I feel as if I will screw up everything."

"It seems that Finley has been rubbing off on you a lot." Walter mumbled. Stephen turned his head and looked at him, narrowing his eyes. Walter shook his head and leaned back on the couch they were sitting on.

"Hows Isabella?" Stephen thought it was better to change the subject rather than sitting quietly.



"Yeah. I got to know in the morning. She had been sick for quite a few days and yesterday we went to the hospital to get checked. She said that she had come to know yesterday evening but I came back late from office and she had slept by that time."

"Dude, congratulations. Oh God, I just can't believe it. I mean, it's been just over an year."

"I know right? I am so fucking excited."

Just then, someone opened the door and signalled them to get ready as the time had come. Both of them got up and proceeded outside. Stephen was still as nervous as he had been the day he asked Finley to be his boyfriend. But that was nothing in comparison to the happiness and excitement that he was feeling.

Today, Finley will be completely his.

Today, they will create that special bond which will bind them together forever.

Today, they get married.

After being in a relationship for 7 years, living together for 3 years and proposing him last year, they were finally getting married. They had been through a lot of ups and downs, had some misunderstandings, fell in love more, saw there friend getting married and building a successful career for themselves, they were going to be one. Not that they weren't already, but putting that on paper seemed to make it more real.

"You have the ring, right?"

"For the hundredth time, yes. I have it safely tucked in my pocket." Walter shook his head and patted his friend's shoulder in an understanding way. He completely knew what he must be going through at the moment. He had been the same when he was getting married.

Everybody's head turned towards the door when it opened. And for Stephen, everything vanished. He just looked at the love of his life who was standing at the end of the aisle, who looked handsome and sexy as ever. The whole ceremony seemed to pass in a blur, because he was too engrossed in staring into the beautiful eyes of his lover.

I Love You, Kiddo. (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now