Chapter 12

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I am seriously so pissed right now.

At what you might ask?

Rather make it ‘at whom’.

Well obviously at the two biggest assholes I have ever met. They have been ignoring me since the morning. I frigging waited for them in the parking lot for about an hour and when they come, they rush inside the school as if the police was chasing them.

When inside the school, they stopped after every two steps to talk to some or the other person. I mean they had not talked to me properly since the time I met them but they had enough time to talk to everybody. And as soon as I reached my locker they bid me goodbye and went away. No hugs, no bickering, nothing. Just a simple 'bye Finley' and they are off. I literally stood there for 5 minutes and stared at their backs.

To top it of, they frigging ditched me at lunch. That pissed me of to no end. And why was Walter ignoring me? Yesterday he was being so supportive and all but today, he is following Stephen like a slave. And do not even get me started on that motherfucking asshole.

I am not going to see their faces from today. Let them go and fuck themselves where ever they want to. I don't give a damn. They can ignore me all.......

I was snapped out of my mental cursing with the vibration of my phone. Right now, I was sitting in my last class which was geography. I sneakily took out my phone and saw that I had two messages, from Stephen. Although I hated him right now, but I couldn’t just ignore it. He had told me to go to the library after school ended, which was on the 4th floor. And the next message had a ‘please’ with lots of z's and a pleading smiley. I slightly smiled and shook my head, but this doesn’t mean that all my anger has gone away.

No sir.

So as I was told, I proceeded towards the library as soon as the bell rang. I took my own sweet time to climb the stairs because I wanted him to wait. All the while, I was planning on how to bombard him with profanities and make him realise what he has done.

But, as usual, it was me who was left disappointed again. Cuz the library was deserted as if it was haunted. Not even the librarian was here. I got angry again and took out my phone to call Stephen and thank the lord that he picked up instantly.

"If this is a prank, then you can forget about seeing and talking to me again" I said the moment he picked up the call.

"Oh, so you reached the library. Just come at the window." He sounded as if nothing had happened. Bastard.

"No. I won't. You cannot boss me around."

"Finny please. Just do this for me. I promise you won't regret it. Please."

With the amount of desperation in his voice, I had no choice but to follow his commands.

And boy will I ever be grateful to my heart for listening to my brain.

I looked out of the window to see him kneeling in front of a very big heart made out of I don't know how many flower petals. Inside that heart, I saw the school students holding placards which spelt 'Please Be Mine Baby'.

To say that I was surprised would be the biggest lie of the century. I was dumbfounded. I had literally frozen and my brain had stopped functioning. I had never expected this. Hell I didn't even know that Stephen had feelings for me in the first place. I don't know how long I had been standing there taking in the scene in front of me. But when I came back to my senses, I sprinted down towards the field.

I threw open the doors and ran like a professional athlete. I saw that by now Stephen had stood up and has an unsure expression. But I did not care about anything at the moment. I jumped on him and almost instantly the waterworks started.

I was so overwhelmed that I was sobbing like a child. We both were holding each other so tightly as if we were afraid that the moment we let loose of each other, the other would vanish in the air. After a while I heard him whisper in my ear

"Finley? I know I am being a dick right now but I need my answer."

I hid my face in the crook of his neck. I was in no condition to speak right now so I only nodded my head in confirmation.

I felt him sag in relief and hold me tighter. Then he turned around, with me still in his arms, my feet dangling a few feet above the ground. He must have done something, because suddenly everybody started cheering and clapping and whistling.

“I am so happy for you guys.”

I pulled away slightly to see Walter standing beside us with the biggest smile on his face. Happiness was definitely radiating from his face. I smiled back to thank him and Stephen extended on hand asking him for a group hug, which Walter readily agreed.

All the anger which was in me since the morning had gone away and I only felt love for both of them. For Walter, it was brotherly and friendly love. He had been the one to be beside me every time I felt hopeless. He was the best friend a person could ever have.

As for Stephen, I fell in love with him all over again. I did not expect him to go to such extent to ask me out.

I did not realize when we all had pulled away from the hug. I was still in Stephen’s arms when he whispered.

“Will you go to prom with me?”

I just looked at him. He was looking at me with such softness in his eyes that somehow it felt surreal. I mean, he was the most eligible guy who was wanted by every girl and maybe some guys as well. But I was the lucky one whom he chose. I was the lucky one who would get to be so close to him.

“Ofcourse he will you dumbass. He has been waiting for you to ask him for eternity.” Walter said while being his overdramatic self.

“Why do you have to spoil the moment Walter?” Stephen groaned and looked at him.

“Because that’s what I do. Now kiss him.”

“Finally you said something sensible.” He smirked at him and turned his head towards me and asked, “May I?”

Although I wanted to shout a big fat YES, I could not. So being the girl I was, I blushed at that. He took that at his cue and leaned down to kiss me.

I felt as if I am on cloud nine. He kissed me like he had waited forever to kiss me. He was doing it with so much passion that I again felt like crying.

“A gentle reminder that I am still standing here.”

And of course, Walter just had to ruin it.

But I did not mind it one bit because today, nothing and no one could ruin my mood.


Hi everyone,

Another update for you all. Hope I haven't disappointed you.

The story is coming to an end soon.

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