Red String of Fate

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One step forward.

How hard can it be?

The words ring in my head as I follow the string, you know the one- deep red, in the midst of the crowd.

Now you must be wondering what on earth am I doing following a red string on the dance floor, instead of, dancing. is the red string. That is my priority.

I can feel the presence of the person at the other end and I had to get to them.

Right when I was about to find the end, a hand pulls me upright and I can feel my legs move as I swirl around and get dipped.

The music blared on as I was lead on by this...marvelous...person. Should I have been bothered by this? I think I should but I couldn't.

In fact, I loved every moment of it.

And so I danced with the lovely stranger all through the night.

Soon enough, the bright flashing disco lights were put off and the music lowered. It was closing time.

That was when I felt it again. The string. It pulled away and I couldn't let that happen.

But, I couldn't help but want to thank my dance partner for making me have a wonderful time.

I must have spent a lot of time struggling to make a decision for when I turned, I faced no one and the string was loose.
This was the third week I've been here.

Been out here, hoping to find my incredible dance partner or the one tied to me. But alas, I haven't found either.

Guess I wasn't what either of them wanted.

With a sigh, I decided to leave through the door, when suddenly I'm pulled.

All of a sudden, I'm struck by deja vu when I am made to twirl and dip before dancing off with a faceless stranger.

"Is it you?" I ask like an eloquent genius.

I doubt the other could me. Hell, I could barely hear myself over the music.

"I hope you won't run away again."

The words slipped from my mouth but I didn't mind. Surely, no one could have heard me.

Soon enough, it was closing time.

This time, I decided to meet the dancing stranger face to face.

Though, the dancing champ decided to one up me and moved their hand up, over the heart.

I felt a slight tug but chose to ignore it, waiting to see what they were upto.

Wiggling their finger over their heart, they extended their other hand out to me.

That's when I noticed the string.

It's the end of mine.

With a huff of laughter, my casanova spoke, despite knowing the obvious answer written on my face.

"Care for another dance? Or are you still tied up?"

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