Chapter Two

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"We're having a barbecue." Amanda turned at the four words to face the boy who said them. "If you wanna come, that is." She chuckled and kept writing.

"I'm sorry, Jacob, I don't have time." She said as she worked on transferring her notes from paper to her iPad.

"Cmon. It's just a few hours." He said and she smiled as she looked over her shoulder again.

"It's a few hours that I need to focus on writing, Jacob." She said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Tom had noticed a blue streak a few days ago, and Jacob saw it curling through for the first time as he moved to sit in front of her to convince her to come to the barbecue.

"Please? It's just a few hours."

"It's been nearly a week and I haven't finished the script yet." She said with a laugh, leaning back in her seat. "I can't take the night off, I'm sorry."

"Please?" Jacob asked again and she sighed, lowering the iPad.

"Fine. I'll stay for 2 hours at the most." She gave in and he grinned at her.

"Tom'll be happy to know that." He said with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"He'd be happy to know any pretty girl was coming." She replies dryly and Jacob laughed.

"Well, that's definitely true. You coming'll make him happier though." She raised an eyebrow and laughed. "I'll still be here by the time you guys are all setting off. Whoever leaves last could give me a lift." She said and he nodded, getting up and leaving the pristine room.

Amanda sighed, typing faster than before to try and finish it before the barbecue so she could actually relax, and the stark white colour of the walls was not helping her.

"I wish I had a better view." She grumbled and someone cleared their throat. She looked up to see Gwyneth and she smiled.

"Why don't you try doing a little bit at the barbecue?" She suggested. Amanda nodded, and turned the iPad screen off, grabbing her bag and jacket before following Gwyneth to her car. "Technically Tom was meant to leave last, but I said I'd get you instead, I didn't think you'd want to be in a car with him just yet."

"Thank you." Amanda said, looking across the seats and smiling. Gwyneth smiles back sympathetically.

"And you don't feel anything for him at all?"

"Whatever it is he wants me to feel, I just don't. This isn't a Disney movie, you can't fall in love in a week." She replied, sighing. "I just don't get why he's so ... persistent." She added and Gwyneth laughed.

"Well, you've clearly not looked in a mirror recently, sweetheart. You're stunning. He said he'll do whatever it takes to get you to go out with him. He took one look at you and told Jacob he was going to marry you. He doesn't care how long it takes."

"That's what I'm worried about. Marriage isn't in the cards for me, I've not even finished university. I don't have time to date."

They pulled up outside the house and Amanda got out first. She grabbed her bag but Gwyneth took it back off her and put it in the drivers seat before locking out.

"Sorry. They knew you wouldn't suspect me. Tonight is about taking a night off." She said with a slight sense of pleading in her voice and Amanda gave in.

"Okay. No work tonight." She mumbled and Gwyneth smiled, leading her into the house and they passed through so quickly Amanda couldn't take note of all the luxuries she passed but there were many. Before she knew it they were in the garden, which housed a pool, and Gwyneth handed her a bag.

"A bikini. We kinda guessed your size so I hope it fits. Zendaya picked it out." At the mention of her name the actress looked up and grinned, jogging over in a bikini top and shorts.

"I'll show you to the bathroom so you can change," she offered, and Amanda nodded, taking her bag from Gwyneth with a mumbled thanks and letting Zendaya drag her up the stairs into the house, and then up two more flights of stairs and to a black door across from a mirror. "There you go! I'll wait out here."

Amanda reluctantly stepped into the room and she locked the door behind her, stripping out of her jeans and blouse and into the bikini and pair of shorts that were in the bag. They were slightly loose so she adjusted the straps, and left the shorts as they were, kind of liking them being loose on her hips. She stepped out and looked into the mirror.

The black of the bikini stood out against her skin and seemed to make her hair and skin look even lighter than normal. The shorts were dark blue and seemed to make her legs look longer.

Zendaya grinned at her and took her back downstairs, complimenting her the whole way down and she was left blushing as they walked back into the garden.

She pulled her hair out of its ponytail and let it fall loose, running her hands through it to try and keep it neat.

"You look amazing, sweetheart." Robert called out to her, making everyone realise she had come back. Tom was the first to stare and he started to make his way over but Gwyneth gave him a warning look. He stayed quiet but started texting Harrison.

T - fucks sake, man, why can't I just ask her out?
H - because she made it clear she doesn't want you to?
T - I really like her, she's so funny and smart and hot.
H - yeah but she doesn't like you. Can't you just be her mate for a while?
T - what, become her friend then ask her out?
H - yeah man, build it up. Don't just go for it when she doesn't want you too. Wait a bit
T - okay. Thanks man. Seeing her all the time makes it difficult
H - yeah, anytime. I'll see you later

He put his phone back away and jogged over to Amanda, ready to start Phase One: Becoming Her Friend.

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