Chapter Nine

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She pulled away, frowning at him.

"Why are you here, Tom?" She repeated, softly this time. He flopped himself down on the couch, and she realised instantly he was drunk. "Oh, God, how wasted are you?" She asked when he pulled his top off.

"Your dorm is way too warm." Tom grumbled, and Amanda rolled her eyes as she got him a bottle of water, passing it to him.

"Drink. Explain."

"I came to talk to you." He said firmly, before bursting into giggles and snorting the water. She sighed and used the sleeve of the sweater to dab his chin dry. "Because. I like you. And you hurt me. But I still like you. And I don't get it." He said, scrunching his face up in confusion, still chewing the gum obnoxiously. "And to tell you what happened when we were both drunk." She sat upright, watching him intensely.

"Truth or dare!" Tom managed to say, laughing at Amanda's face and she huffed.

"Dare." She said firmly, rolling her eyes. She was looking at him appreciatively, mostly staring at his vast array of muscles.

"Kiss the most attractive person here." He said in between hiccups. She pretended to consider it before swimming over to him and kissing him, a soft passion behind her lips and he groaned, sitting upright and wrapping his arms around her.

"Hey, hey, no messes in my pool." Anthony called over as the rest of the cast whooped and cheered. They broke apart laughing and she pecked his lips again, about to swim back to her place but he kept his arms tight around her so she would stay in his lap. She snuggles against him, exhausted but too drunk to sleep.

Truth or dare continued until 2am, along with the drinking. By this point Tom and Amanda were deemed too drunk to continue taking part and they sat by the pool instead of inside of it, just kissing each other, the occasional hand roaming and soft moan to be heard.

"Alright, bed, both of you. Take whichever bedroom you come across as long as the walls aren't red. None of us want to see you two doing this." Anthony groaned as the moaning got louder. Amanda giggles with a bright red blush and Tom scrambled to his feet.

"Cut the check." He mocked, picking Amanda up and taking her into the house, taking her to the first bed they find, in a room with dark blue walls. "We can't do this. Not while you're drunk." He said softly, huffing.

"Wow, now you have morals?" She teased, wrapping his arms around her waist and her legs in between his. "But if that's what you want." She murmured, biting his lip.

"Sleep, Angel." He whispered, kissing the top of her head and she sighed contentedly, resting her head on his chest and dozing off to the thud of his heartbeat.

She stared at Tom with wide eyes, blushing a dark red as it all came rushing back.

"Oh, fuck." She mumbled, grabbing a bottle of gin from by the sofa and opening it, swigging straight from the bottle without stopping to get a mixer.

"Woah, hey, no. Both of us drunk ain't a good idea." Tom huffed. "Then you do stuff you don't mean." He whined, pouting at her. She stared at him but put the lid back on the bottle and put the bottle down.

"Uh, you can take my bed if you want. I'll sleep here. Just don't throw up in my bed." She groaned, and Tom shook his head.

"I'm many things but a gentleman is one of them. The lady gets the bed, her apartment or not." He said, a half hearted firmness in his voice and she sighed.

"Fine. But if you change your mind..." he nodded and grinned widely at her as she kissed his forehead. "Get some rest, Tom." She mumbled, making her way through to her room and laying down underneath her covers, shivering slightly. She blushed a dark red when the memories flashed across her mind, remembering how nice and safe it had felt inside his arms and attached to his lips but she quickly shook her head. "Can't happen. Too confused. Too complicated." She mumbles to herself before she fell asleep.

Tom woke up first, wondering where he was before he remembered what had happened the night before and groaned in embarrassment. He pulled his shirt on and wrote her a quick note.

Hey, Amanda.
Sorry for last night, especially for kissing you. But the ball's in your court now as to what happens. I'll see you at the set.
Tom H x

Amanda woke up soon after he left, and upon finding the note she faltered. She decided she would dress nicely and put some makeup on for a change, deciding to fuck all the complications and go for it. He was attractive and he liked her, and somewhere, deep down, she knew she wanted him too. She took a deep breath as she started to apply her makeup, her hands slightly shaky.

The end result was winged eyeliner and red lips and defined brows with a leather jacket and an emerald shirt with a black skirt, as opposed to her skinny jeans and hoodie she had worn the day before.

Anthony catcalled her jokingly and she laughed, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"I felt like switching it up a little." She said with a smile, waiting for Tom to show up.

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