Chapter Sixteen

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Girls night eventually came around and Amanda found herself in Zendaya's apartment.

"So how did you and Harrison get together?" Amanda asked Leea, smiling at her. The pink had faded and been replaced with a bright blue.

"Well, we met at the coffee shop. He kept showing up to my shifts and everyone else said they only ever saw him when I was there. I confronted him about it, he said he liked my 'guts' and that I was pretty, then he asked me on a date." She explained with a small shrug.

"That's adorable." Amanda said with a smile, clinking their glasses of gin together with Zendaya's. "What's your love life like?" She asked her and Zendaya shrugged as they all took a sip.

"I'm not seeing anyone right now. It's too much hassle, with the press tour coming up and the premiere's and all the traveling." She said, instantly realising that Amanda was going to have to deal with all that dating Tom. Amanda shrugged.

"That's fair. I guess I don't mind all of that. I really like him, yano? I didn't think I would because he seemed such a pompous, pretentious ass, but he's really great." She smiled as she spoke, going into a small daze.

"Have you guys done it yet?" Zendaya asked, snapping her back into reality and she blushed profusely, hearing her blood pump through her neck.

"No! We've been dating three weeks!" She stammered, looking down. "Who's to say he even wants to yet, anyway?" She mumbled and Leea laughed.

"Please! Every time I've seen you two together, all five times, he's been undressing you with his eyes." She said, still laughing and Zendaya nodded, tipping her glass and drinking. Amanda blushed even darker, groaning and hiding her face in her hands.

"You guys really think so?" She asked and they both nodded almost instantly. She bit her lip, looking from one to another before sighing. "It's weird to think about, you know?" She said and Leea smiled with a nod. "I am not drunk enough for this conversation." She said with a laugh and Leea jumped to her feet.

"I have vodka, gin, bourbon, Prosecco, and cider." She said, her eyes scanning the cupboards.

"I call the Prosecco!" Amanda jumped in instantly and the other two laughed, Leea handing her the bottle and a glass. Amanda put the glass down and uncorked the bottle, drinking straight from the bottle. Zendaya and Leea whooped, laughing. Amanda helped herself to a handful of gummy bears from one of the many plates littering the room as Zendaya started her first glass of gin.

Two hours later they were all tipsy and ordering a pizza, Heathers on in the background as they talked in loud, giggly voices over the top of the movie. The doorbell rang and Zendaya jumped up, a little shaky on her legs and pulled two twenties out of her pocket. She opened the door and smiled, taking in the delivery boy's appearance.

"Hey, if I don't pay you, do you stay?" She asked with a small laugh and she could hear Amanda burst into hysterics. "Like, hypothetically.... eh, screw it, do you want my number?" She asked and Leea was instantly next to her. She took the money and pressed it into the boy's hand and took the stack of pizzas before Zendaya could say anything else.

"Cmon, you can't just give randomers your number! They could leak it." Leea managed to say in between giggling fits. There's another knock on the door and they all look at each other confused, Amanda on her third bottle of the Prosecco and Zendaya at the end of gin bottle 1. Leea had opted for cider, not wanting to get completely wrecked.

The door swings open to reveal Jacob, Tom and Haz, grinning at them like children. Harrison kissed Leea on the way past, stroking her cheek before he flops down onto the floor, Jacob following him and Tom going to sit on the sofa, scooping Amanda into his arms and to sit on his lap, kissing her neck softly whilst being hidden by her hair.

"We should play truth or dare!" Jacob suggested and everyone nodded, grinning at each other.

"I'll go first!" Leea jumped in instantly. "Tom, truth or dare?"

"I'm not drunk enough for dare yet, so, truth." He said, slurring his words a little.

"Why haven't you and Amanda slept together yet when it's clear you really want to?" She asked, smirking at Amanda who huffed and blushed a dark red.

"We're just doing what feels right to do. And with the amount of shocks she's had recently I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of her." He said simply, kissing her lovingly as everyone aww's his answer. "Okay, Haz. Truth or dare?"

"Dare, obviously. I'm not a pussy".

"Okay, you sound way too posh when you say pussy." Zendaya said, laughing again.

"I dare you to.... run through the apartment complex naked and screaming 'I love Tom Holland'." The actor said with a smirk and Haz shrugged.

"Fine, easy enough. Run through every floor and take the stairs?" He asked, setting the boundaries and Tom nodded. Haz stripped down and smirked at Leea with a wink before he disappeared. He was back 15 minutes later, panting and voice hoarse from screaming. "Z, truth or dare?"

It eventually came around to Amanda who was too busy kissing Tom to listen properly. Her name was called four times before she finally looked up.

"Truth or dare?" Jacob asked and she shrugged.

"Truth, I guess." She decided and the four of them all started whispering, making her paranoid about the question.

"Who's Jackson?" Tom tensed and his grip on her hips tightened.

"Forfeit." She said softly, pulling her shirt over her head and adding it to Zendaya's who had refused to do her dare. She took another sip from the bottle. "Leea? Truth or dare."

The game carried on long into the morning. Each one ended up stripping to some degree. Amanda was left in her bra and underwear, Tom in his boxers, Haz in his boxers and socks, Leea in her bra and underwear and socks, Zendaya had only last her shirt, Jacob lost his socks and shoes but remained dressed other than that. Amanda passed out first, restricting Tom's movement and he eventually fell asleep with her on top of him. Leea took a photo and sent it to Haz for him to post later, giggling as Zendaya and Jacob redressed themselves before stumbling out of the apartment and into the lift to get a cab. Haz and Leea went through to her room, leaving Amanda and Tom in the living room with glasses of water next to the sofa.

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