~Chapter Two ~ Testing times

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Gellert contemplated skipping history of magic, he was too late to get a decent seat and his impervious charm was too visible to escape the teacher's attention. Figuring he was going to get into trouble anyways he snuck into some of the potion storeroom cupboards to grab a handful of ingredients he would need once classes were finished. Taking a shortcut through painting and crawling through a narrow tunnel he popped out two doors down from the classroom.

There was a queue still waiting outside, murmuring their discontent. Gellert tried to position himself so he might have a chance of getting a spittle safe seat, but the other students were not having any of it. He was jostled to the back of the line with such force he collided with their substitute teacher. "Sorry," Gellert said as he helped them back to their feet.

The teacher grunted, unlocked the door and barred anyone from entering. "Since you are all so keen, I think we should fill up from the front this afternoon. No moving," he said with enough gusto to stop the shuffling of bodies backwards towards Gellert. "All homework to be handed in, I expect all 23 rolls of parchment on my desk before we begin or else we will all stay until it is done. And no, I will not let any quidditch players, regardless of team, go early. As much as I want to see Metalli win this year I will not create unfair bias. Professor Van Houten will be expecting these when she returns tomorrow."

"Can't be anything too urgent then," Aleksa quipped as she managed to barge her way backwards in the queue to torment Gellert.

He said nothing, hoping that the class would pass by quicker than it normally did.

With 23 rolls of parchment, some considerably longer than others, placed on the desk the Professor stepped in front of the class. "I know there were plans for a mock exam in this lesson." He pulled a face as the class groaned. "I don't know what questions were planned and I don't have the time to grade papers that aren't for my own subject, so I will not be doing a written test."

The class whooped and cheered in celebration.

"I'm going to call each of you in turn to make a timeline of the goblin rebellions." He ignored the pained expressions and grumblings. "Wilhelm, you start, what was the catalyst for the rebellion of 1392?"

The boy stuttered, his brain drawing a blank. He buried his nails into his palms I the hope that the pain would be enough to claw the memory out of him. "Wizards?" He offered at last; breathing a humiliated sigh.

"Well, vague as it is I suppose it is correct." The professor sighed and moved on to the next student, "can you shed any more light on the subject?"

"It was a debate about the right to use a wand wasn't it?"

"Have a little more conviction in your answer, you are right." A smile played on the corner of his lips for a fleeting moment, "Who were the main players?"

"Ingamis the impossible, Greyheart the greedy. James Lightwater and Peter Cranium were the wizards in charge of the negotiations that failed." Gellert said confidently, glad his turn to speak was over.

"Correct, I can see you know your history." The professor nodded, finally finding a flicker of hope in the class.

"Not surprising since his Grandfather was a historian," Aleksa spoke a little louder than she had intended. She gripped the underside of the desk as the teacher swivelled back around to face her.

"Well volunteered, could you tell me where the battle started and who made the first move?"

Aleksa turned pale, two different answers swam around her head, but she hadn't a clue which one was correct.

"Apparently not, so if you could refrain from unnecessary comments that would be grand, we would all like to leave this class on time." He turned back to the boy that was sweating profusely, "You're next, how many days did the battle rage on for?"

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