~Chapter Six~ Godric's Hollow

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The 13th of July brought with it Gellert's first mail since leaving the castle. A large tawny owl flew through the open window at breakfast, landing just in front of Gellert's plate and offering him her right leg. His fingers fumbled with the knot, eager to have the thick square envelope open contrary to his thought about the meaninglessness of the contents. He slit it open quickly and unfolded the parchment inside.

End of Year Exam Results (predictions for NEWTs)

Pass Grades: Outstanding (O)                                       Fail Grades: Poor (P)

                           Exceeds Expectations (E)                                              Dreadful (D)

                           Acceptable (A)                                                                   Troll (T)

Gellert Augustus Grindelwald  has achieved:

                            Ancient Runes:                                 O  (O)

                           Astronomy:                                         E   (A)

                          Care of Magical Creatures:            O   (E)

                          Charms:                                                O    (O)

                          Dark Arts:                                             O    (O)

                          English Language:                            E    (E)

                          Herbology:                                          O    (O)

                          History of Magic:                               E    (O)

                          Magical Research:                            A     (P)

                          Magical Theory:                                O     (A)

                          Mathematics:                                     A      (E)

                          Potions:                                                O     (O)

                          Transfiguration:                                O     (O)

Gellert read the transcript several times, his breathing becoming easier through every repetition. It wasn't as bad as he had feared, some of his risks had paid off, the extra tips on getting a bumper crop of mandrake had helped to achieve an Outstanding in herbology. But he had been warned that his choice of project for magical research, Testing Magical Abilities in Non-Magic Adults, would count against him so perhaps he was lucky to scrape a passing grade. Feeling confident, he ironed out the central crease with his palms and left it in the middle of the table for his mother and father to find.

Gellert's mother, Isobel, fought the urge to throw the letter out when she found it. She had seen the smugness on Gellert's face as he waltzed through the house and had expected there to be a few more O's and no A's. Fury burned in her guts. It spoilt her appetite, and it took every ounce of control not to march down to the stables and drag the boy away from his thestral. She considered selling the animal, but soon realised that her husband would not forgiver her, Cara was prime breeding stock. Instead, she sat in her husband's office and waited for him to come home.

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